Does Anyone Want to Chat?

If anyone wants a chat just send me a pm, i'll try to talk about any subject you want,  I'm feeling lonely and isolated today,  I've just sat in all day?

I wish this forum had a chat room , maybe its something that could be considered having

Can anyone play chess? 

  • Partial bump to keep the thread alive. I've been reading the writings of Marcus Tullius Cicero, and came across a term I found rather interesting. "Similar to the truth". Cicero is refering to arguments in the sense typically of a legal dispute, where the objective of the prosecutor and the defender is to convince the judge or jury that the ruling they favour is the correct one.

    "In court cases, it is always the duty of the juror to pursue the truth; it is sometimes the duty of the advocate to defend what is similar to the truth, even if it be less than the truth."

    I understand that as autists, we have a leaning toward binary thinking. Right and wrong, good and evil. Truth and lies. What Cicero puts forward here, plants its feet firmly between the two states and says that in some things there must be grey areas. The advocate of the defence's duty isn't to lie, but to prove that the prosecutor's truth is flawed. That reasonable doubt exists.

    Realising that, I can see why legal roles would be especially challenging for someone like me, who prefers things clear, cut and beyond doubt.

  • Partial bump to keep the thread alive. I've been reading the writings of Marcus Tullius Cicero, and came across a term I found rather interesting. "Similar to the truth". Cicero is refering to arguments in the sense typically of a legal dispute, where the objective of the prosecutor and the defender is to convince the judge or jury that the ruling they favour is the correct one.

    "In court cases, it is always the duty of the juror to pursue the truth; it is sometimes the duty of the advocate to defend what is similar to the truth, even if it be less than the truth."

    I understand that as autists, we have a leaning toward binary thinking. Right and wrong, good and evil. Truth and lies. What Cicero puts forward here, plants its feet firmly between the two states and says that in some things there must be grey areas. The advocate of the defence's duty isn't to lie, but to prove that the prosecutor's truth is flawed. That reasonable doubt exists.

    Realising that, I can see why legal roles would be especially challenging for someone like me, who prefers things clear, cut and beyond doubt.

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