Does Anyone Want to Chat?

If anyone wants a chat just send me a pm, i'll try to talk about any subject you want,  I'm feeling lonely and isolated today,  I've just sat in all day?

I wish this forum had a chat room , maybe its something that could be considered having

Can anyone play chess? 

  • Good idea, however this "chat room" has got a bit busy and I'm having trouble keeping track of who's saying what...

    I like chess, but I'm a very poor player. I sometimes play Pure Chess on the Xbox against the AI. I can't play with people, because I get annoyed when I lose and have to play again until I win. The AI doesn't care how many times I want a rematch, or whether I call it a "cheating bi*ch" (Kurt Russell in 'The Thing' - 1982) but luckily I don't tip my drink over the console. I can also set the AI level to that of a monkey so I win a lot. 

    Does anyone have any tips for books or websites that help you improve in chess?

  • I would recommend the Youtube channel Gotham Chess. The content creator, Levy, is a very good teacher, and quite humerous when he wants to be. I particularly enjoy his "Guess the Elo" series, where he watches two ranked players go against each other and tries to guess what their ratings on based purely on how they play.
    If I could recommend a particular fun video, "INSANE New Chess Bot", where he personally goes up against a particularly monstrous computer opponent wearing the guise of a cute little kitty cat.

  • I would recommend the Youtube channel Gotham Chess. The content creator, Levy, is a very good teacher, and quite humerous when he wants to be. I particularly enjoy his "Guess the Elo" series, where he watches two ranked players go against each other and tries to guess what their ratings on based purely on how they play.
    If I could recommend a particular fun video, "INSANE New Chess Bot", where he personally goes up against a particularly monstrous computer opponent wearing the guise of a cute little kitty cat.

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