I'm stuck in a rut

I'm a 35 year old guy who is still stuck living off his birth family, currently no job so I'm stuck at home in an isolated neighbourhood and no friends or lovers so I only go out for errands.  If I didn't have to travel several miles home and back I would spend my days at a gym or library (I don't drive so I walk across hills and take buses.)

I'm the only one of my siblings who doesn't have a social life or an occupation to get me out of the house and it fucking sucks.  I'm considering turning to Hinge or Badoo or some other social app to fill the gaping void.  FML  :(

  • Appreciated, however I reside in South Wales where such services are not available for mildly autistic adults.

  • Dear Desolate,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with the online community. We can see you have received some nice responses from other online community users on this thread.

    We have 115 volunteer-led branches across the UK. Our hard-working volunteers run support, information and social activities for autistic adults, children and their families in their local area. They also organise and join in with fundraising and campaigning. Find out more by searching for a branch near you: https://www.autism.org.uk/what-we-do/local-branches 

    We also have volunteer-led online branches for autistic people to reach out and seek peer support for a shared interest, identity or experience: www.autism.org.uk/.../online 

    You can try searching on our Autism Services Directory for support and social groups for autistic people, their families and friends. 

    I hope this is helpful.

    Kind Regards,

    Rosie Mod

  • Hear ya, Buddy!

    I'm fortunate to be in the black, due to the sale of my family home and land; three years ago. However, day-to-day living is a MOFO! Having been 'carried' for so long, I don't know how to fend for myself.

  • Hello.

    I hear ya, loud and clear. I don’t have any friends either, although by some sort of miraculous supernatural intervention I have a full time job ( having money from time to time is super nice but my God the fatigue, the having-to-socialise-when-I-want-to-be-alone is tough and some days it’s hard to mask iygm) 

    Im with you in solidarity brother!

    You’re not alone. 

  • I kill time with YouTube tech videos and collecting platinum trophies on PlayStation 4.

    I thought about going to the library just to escape from the routine and boredom when I'm not needed to look after the house.

  • Sorry to hear that. You are welcome to post your thoughts on here or join in discussions.

    Do you have plenty of interests you can work on at home to keep your mind busy? I like video games, I read books on a kindle tablet and have started doing some free open learn courses. Do you like or want to cook? If so, perhaps you could try out some recipes for meals to share with your family. It's good to create a schedule of what you're going to do each day.

    If you want to get out more, are there any local groups you can join, maybe a walking or cycling one?

    Another idea is to get a pet if that's possible?

  • Hey man, I don't really have much advice but I wanted to let you know you're not alone. I don't have a job or any friends too. Is there some volunteering you could do online at home? 

  • Sometimes life feels like that bit in Peaky Blinders when Tommy Shelby puts a gun to his head.