I'm stuck in a rut

I'm a 35 year old guy who is still stuck living off his birth family, currently no job so I'm stuck at home in an isolated neighbourhood and no friends or lovers so I only go out for errands.  If I didn't have to travel several miles home and back I would spend my days at a gym or library (I don't drive so I walk across hills and take buses.)

I'm the only one of my siblings who doesn't have a social life or an occupation to get me out of the house and it fucking sucks.  I'm considering turning to Hinge or Badoo or some other social app to fill the gaping void.  FML  :(

  • Hear ya, Buddy!

    I'm fortunate to be in the black, due to the sale of my family home and land; three years ago. However, day-to-day living is a MOFO! Having been 'carried' for so long, I don't know how to fend for myself.

  • Hear ya, Buddy!

    I'm fortunate to be in the black, due to the sale of my family home and land; three years ago. However, day-to-day living is a MOFO! Having been 'carried' for so long, I don't know how to fend for myself.

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