Loneliness and autism

Hi, this is my first post on here! But would just like to hear other people’s experiences with loneliness while being neurodivergent. I’ve found that after I received my diagnosis I have gradually started to unmask little by little and now the limits to what I can and cannot do without exhausting myself are becoming a bit clearer. Because of this I think I have inadvertently/accidentally isolated myself, I also feel as though the friends I had before do not necessarily understand the change. However, this could be due to my own anxieties about the matter, whether they are based in fact is another thing in itself. I would like more neurodivergent friends but now feel so separate from the social scene that I have no idea where to start or how to initiate a conversation without feeling horrifically anxious. What are all your experiences?

  • I do find life can be lonely at times. I live alone and have invited people round for coffee and promises are made but not kept. I do have a good friend and we meet up for a cafe stop and also cycle with a local club. Like many autistics, I can be lonely in a crowd, struggling to fit in. Having a speech impediment does not help. I often struggle to get my words out so that makes it even harder to speak in a group.

    I do manage to visit London from time to time and have tried to get people to come with me but to no avail. It can be tough on my own but I do push myself and enjoy theatre visits there.    

  • I'd love to go to the theatre more too but I've been intimidated at the idea of going alone. I'm glad you've enjoyed it! Maybe I'll be brave enough some day

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