Does not compute

As the saying goes. Trying to get my head around   the contradiction between being told I belong and am wanted here  and the  heavy, and often very condescending ,criticism that's currently being directed at me.

  • Is it possibe that you see the negative more than the possitive or give the negative more weight?

    I don't find all the posts directed at me, supportive or helpful either, a couple have made me wonder if the poster thinks my head does up at the back because the post they send me is so Duh! But I accept that most people are trying to be genuinely helpful and not patronising. People have so many different levels of ability here, its often hard to know how to pitch a response, I think it takes a while to get ones head around it. In my case, I've been questioned about why I don't share photo's, it might be reasonably asked, how someone with a degree and who's obviously fairly intelligent and well read, can't use a camera or a smart phone or any of the other tech gadgets people use?

    It's not just you, its all of us!

  • Is it possibe that you see the negative more than the possitive or give the negative more weight?

    I  don't dismiss that. I'm very much someone  who places a greater psychological weight on negative comments aimed at me than on positive comments I receive. 

    People have so many different levels of ability here, its often hard to know how to pitch a response, I think it takes a while to get ones head around it.

    I can best describe how things are with me as, with words I used recently, 'Exec dysfunction can be like a car with a powerful engine but a very dodgy steering wheel. IMO It's the thing that's had the most disabling effect on me.'

  • I've had cars like you before!

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