Barbers/hairdressers.....what do you do?

Does any go an actual place to get their haircut? I've learnt to trim and cut my own because I cant stand the whole experience. What does everyone else do? I've had some mega tragic haircuts along the way, but nailed it now. I think lol

  • I used to quite like it, but in recent years have started to dislike going to the hairdressers. I go to one I've known for years and just have a dry cut, so it's over as soon as possible.

    I buy a home hair colour which my partner puts on for me, and I cut his with clippers. That saves us a lot of money too.

  • I go to a hairdresser, but as infrequently as I think I can get away with. 

    It's an ordeal and I only go because I have a job now and feel pressure to conform to what people expect me to look like when I'm there - at least a bit anyway. 

    When I wasn't working, I just trimmed the ends occasionally, my  hair is curly, so a bit easier to hide uneven cutting! 

    The hairdresser now is ok, listens to what I want at least, but I still hate it and am exhausted the next day. 

  • I ordered a hair-shaver, during lockdown, via Amazon Marketplace. Chap from Campbelltown, in Kintyre, offered it. But I wasn't ready, at the time, and returned it.

    Now, I bought a hair-shaver last month at a local Chemist. This time, I am ready.

  • Sounds horrible, sharp scissors and razors are a must. Although some people have really sensitive scalps and what to some is a gentle rub, to them would feel like a hard scrub.

  • Some people just don't understand.

    My Nan was like that. Fortunately, my Mum wasn't.

  • Totally unrelated, but you have one of the best anonymous username/picture pairs.

  • My cousin, a hairdresser, used to do mine at home. Now I just do a number 1 clipper cut myself, as I do not have that much hair left.

  • When I was a kid, I grew up with a cousin that lived with us for a time, and then became a professional hairdresser with her own family run business. But on a personal level, I can't say that I liked her or her haircuts very much. 

    For haircuts, she'd use blunt tools, and as a result she used more force, and it caused pain by having multiple hair follicles ripped out of my head. Loose scissors snagged a hair or two every snip. Blunt razors ripped out a chunk of hair by it's roots every downward motion. It was torture. 

    Not to mention that the results were so ugly, that I got bullied by both adults and children alike for having a round head, and they made fun of me for looking stupid. They had all kinds of bad nicknames for me.  

    I wanted to grow out my hair, but my mother was against it, and I'd always be forced to cut it against my will. And my mother also learned my cousin's methods, used the same sadistic tools to cut my hair, and the results were also less than pleasing. 

    My cousin as a person, was ego-driven and unkind, and I don't think many people would like receiving cut-eyes and snears very much. She married a egotistical man, who made back-handed and rude comments at family members. I've given their family-run business a chance, and I've visited a handful of times before, but they just complain and put me down the entire time, saying things like my teeth needs braces, that their 5 year old daughter is smarter than I am (I'm an adult), that I'm too childish and do I actually know how to do anything? ... Yep... unwelcomed back-handed comments. So I don't bother going there anymore. Why would they think that anyone would enjoy that?  Now I just avoid them and their business all together. 

    I learned to trim the ends of my hair during covid, but I feel like a caveman butchering my hair, more than I'm actually doing it any good. Luckily I've met some great people that will cut my hair from time to time, but it's not often that I get a hair cut anyways (probably due to whatever happened in the past), but around the right people, it can be a positive experience. 

  • I love going to the hairdressers, I love the smell of salons, I've had some bad experiences, like someone burning my head with perm lotion and some bad cuts.

    I was a hairdresser and I used to cut my own hair, but now I can't hold the scissors properly or raise my arms above my head anymore. I have a lovely hairdresser and we get on really well and she always does a good job on my hair.

  • Having my hair cut has always been something I hate and avoid. During lockdown in 2020 it wasn't possible, so my hair grew long, and I realised that I could just let it grow. I guess there was one of two things people did in lockdown - either let the hair grow, or get some clippers and learn to shave your own hair.

    I basically haven't had my hair cut for a long time. It's getting to be a problem now though. For some reason I thought it would reach a set length and stop, but it just keeps growing and growing.

    I've been intending to have it cut for the last year but somehow keep putting it off. I hate even having to call up to make an appointment, have pathological demand avoidance and dread sitting in that chair with them trying to talk to me, as well as overloading my touch sense.

    I wonder if I could cut it myself, but I'm afraid of messing it up.

  • I bought clippers when Covid came, and wish I'd done so twenty years earlier!