Barbers/hairdressers.....what do you do?

Does any go an actual place to get their haircut? I've learnt to trim and cut my own because I cant stand the whole experience. What does everyone else do? I've had some mega tragic haircuts along the way, but nailed it now. I think lol

  • Having my hair cut has always been something I hate and avoid. During lockdown in 2020 it wasn't possible, so my hair grew long, and I realised that I could just let it grow. I guess there was one of two things people did in lockdown - either let the hair grow, or get some clippers and learn to shave your own hair.

    I basically haven't had my hair cut for a long time. It's getting to be a problem now though. For some reason I thought it would reach a set length and stop, but it just keeps growing and growing.

    I've been intending to have it cut for the last year but somehow keep putting it off. I hate even having to call up to make an appointment, have pathological demand avoidance and dread sitting in that chair with them trying to talk to me, as well as overloading my touch sense.

    I wonder if I could cut it myself, but I'm afraid of messing it up.

  • Totally unrelated, but you have one of the best anonymous username/picture pairs.

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