Do you like people?

My question for the day.

What are your thoughts on the human race?

  • The human race- that's a bit too deep for me today

    Do I like people?

    I love my family. 

    I want to love people. . I try to help people when I can. 

    But spend a lot of my time trying to avoid them as I mess up so much when I try to make friends with them.  It's exhausting!

  • "Human Race?" my mind went straight to the lyrics by the Jamaican musician Jah-Lil in his song titled "Human Race" ..."am longing to see this long lasting unity".

    This reggae video includes the lyrics as part of the video presentation:

  • I like some, but the majority no, certainly not as a lumpen mass, most humans don't think enough or when they do they think about the wrong things.

  • I love people.

    Some are real stinkers.

    Some are amazing.

    Though, I do agree with Uhane somewhat in that we maybe doomed in that we are more likely to collectively ignore stuff like climate change rather than do something about it.

  • Short answer: no.

    Longer answer: not as a species. I don't even rate myself much. We're too complicated, too emotional. The majority annoy me with their insistence on small talk, giving themselves and others various levels of status and power, and their obsession with "doing". 

  • As a species we are doomed, as are all species, to succumb to our own genetic weaknesses and to be replaced by other more well adapted species.

    As individual, eternal souls, all drifting in the same boat we are all looking for the same thing, to avoid pain and seek out pleasure, however we perceive that. Our perceptions vary and that is where it gets interesting. 

    So people are .. interesting.