Do you like people?

My question for the day.

What are your thoughts on the human race?

  • Short answer: no.

    Longer answer: not as a species. I don't even rate myself much. We're too complicated, too emotional. The majority annoy me with their insistence on small talk, giving themselves and others various levels of status and power, and their obsession with "doing". 

  • Short answer: no.

    Longer answer: not as a species. I don't even rate myself much. We're too complicated, too emotional. The majority annoy me with their insistence on small talk, giving themselves and others various levels of status and power, and their obsession with "doing". 

  • I like you if that helps?  You're very sensible

    Doing over thinking.   I'm the opposite. I think too much.  My NT friends have said that to me loads of times.    I think there's probably a happy medium to be struck between thinking and acting.  I need to get back to a place where I am not sat around ruminating all day. But also doing things.