Do you like people?

My question for the day.

What are your thoughts on the human race?

  • As a species we are doomed, as are all species, to succumb to our own genetic weaknesses and to be replaced by other more well adapted species.

    As individual, eternal souls, all drifting in the same boat we are all looking for the same thing, to avoid pain and seek out pleasure, however we perceive that. Our perceptions vary and that is where it gets interesting. 

    So people are .. interesting.

  • As a species we are doomed, as are all species, to succumb to our own genetic weaknesses and to be replaced by other more well adapted species.

    As individual, eternal souls, all drifting in the same boat we are all looking for the same thing, to avoid pain and seek out pleasure, however we perceive that. Our perceptions vary and that is where it gets interesting. 

    So people are .. interesting.

  • I fear your first paragraph is right.

    On the second paragraph, I think you're right that we seek pleasure and recoil from pain.  But we possibly need other stuff too.

    People are interesting and the universe is.  Let's stick around and learn more about it.