Are we all destined to be single forever?

Another depressing question I suppose. I'm just wondering if there are other humans (robots) like me out there.

  • I've always had a blind side for relationships. The relationships I've had and have have always being initiated by others. I don't think I'm attractive or interesting but obviously others must think differently . If a relationship can happen to me it can happen to others. 

  • I'm a bit like Herge, people seem to find me attractive, I don't know why. My relationships rarely last though, I honestly don't think I'm cut out for them. I came to this conclusion after realising the common component in my many failed relationships is me, this isn't a negative, but a positive, as it allowed me to ask myself what I really want and need from a relationhip and why I don't get it. Basically I choose emotionaly unavailable men, because I don't want to be available all the time, the trouble is emotionally unavailable men want me to be availalbe all the time. Not only that I get bored in relationships really quickly.

  • The simple fact of someone wanting to around me all the time is unattractive to me.  I'd need a relationship where the other person is willing to leave me be all the time.  And perhaps not even live in the same house.

  • I do believe that there is someone for everyone.  It's not set in stone that we will meet that person though.  Personally I can't stand dating sites so that's ruled out. I also stay at home a lot so that limits my opportunity to meet a new partner.  Then there's my age. That shouldn't be bar to meeting someone single whilst I'm still in my early 40's. But I hope to meet someone this decade or I worry that I never will.

  • I do believe that there is someone for everyone.  It's not set in stone that we will meet that person though.  Personally I can't stand dating sites so that's ruled out. I also stay at home a lot so that limits my opportunity to meet a new partner.  Then there's my age. That shouldn't be bar to meeting someone single whilst I'm still in my early 40's. But I hope to meet someone this decade or I worry that I never will.

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