Are we all destined to be single forever?

Another depressing question I suppose. I'm just wondering if there are other humans (robots) like me out there.

  •  Personally I never thought I would find anyone. I had an on off relationship of sorts with a goth girl from High School as a teen. I briefly tried a relationship with a mature female which never worked due to distance and me being younger. I also sort of went with another female who didn't particularly like me and was sort of using me to annoy another girl who said she did. They were relationships by my standards. Years later I reconnected with the goth girl and we got married and have 3 kids and a baby on the way. So it can happen.

  • I do believe that there is someone for everyone.  It's not set in stone that we will meet that person though.  Personally I can't stand dating sites so that's ruled out. I also stay at home a lot so that limits my opportunity to meet a new partner.  Then there's my age. That shouldn't be bar to meeting someone single whilst I'm still in my early 40's. But I hope to meet someone this decade or I worry that I never will.

  • I think living seperately would be good if it's affordable, it helps if you don't have children together too. I could see one parent feeling dumped on if they had to do the majority of the child care whilst the other parent was off enjoying themselves and not being there enough.

    I think that even when you live apart theres still an uncomfortable power dynamic, who's house do you stay in, how much of your space is the other person allowed to have, even when you live near each other it's difficult, if you lived more than 10 mins away I think it would become very hard.

    Then you have the C word, I had a partner who I didn't live with, everybody around us assumed that because we hadn't moved in together within six months we were either about to split up or we were planing to get married and then live together. Luckily we were both equally jumpy around the C word and niether of us would entertain the M word every again.

    C word  Comitment

    M word  marriage

    Both big horrible scary words!

  • I'm too socially redarded to do relationships... i'd rather do a one night stand, so i never have to see them again. Or fwb. That's the perfect setup. I'm not built for emotional intimacy and all that jive

  • I note that  Chris Packham and his partner live in their separate homes.  That kind of arrangement would probably suit me if I ever find my other person.

  • I totally agree with you, I have good intentions of wanting to meet someone, stay casual, which goes out the window and I struggle to set boundaries or even split up with someone 

  • From my experience I think many of my relationship issues are down to not being able to define myself. I play the role until I get scared or just bored when the initial excitement just fades.

    I mask constantly which shows a different facet that I think they will like.

  • The simple fact of someone wanting to around me all the time is unattractive to me.  I'd need a relationship where the other person is willing to leave me be all the time.  And perhaps not even live in the same house.

  • I'm a bit like Herge, people seem to find me attractive, I don't know why. My relationships rarely last though, I honestly don't think I'm cut out for them. I came to this conclusion after realising the common component in my many failed relationships is me, this isn't a negative, but a positive, as it allowed me to ask myself what I really want and need from a relationhip and why I don't get it. Basically I choose emotionaly unavailable men, because I don't want to be available all the time, the trouble is emotionally unavailable men want me to be availalbe all the time. Not only that I get bored in relationships really quickly.

  • I feel sad that kids today associate with Robots better than Humans.

    Granted, I used my phone quite a bit. But I still have human contact. It's the goal of technology to serve Mankind, not the other way round.

  • No is the answer.  Although I don't have the statistics to hand, I'd imagine it is  harder for Autists to find partners.  But it is possible to find a partner.  Many of the members here have found someone.

    Plenty of us are still single though. Also plenty of NT'S are single also.

  • I've always had a blind side for relationships. The relationships I've had and have have always being initiated by others. I don't think I'm attractive or interesting but obviously others must think differently . If a relationship can happen to me it can happen to others. 

  • Well, I've met someone,  but I'm sceptical about keeping it going 

  • Define "robot".....and then I can have a stab at trying to answer your questions (which appear twofold as itemised below, but presumably are linked by implication in your OP) for whatever my opinion might be worth to you.

    a) are we all destined to be single forever

    b) are other humans (robots) like me out there.