My thoughts after re-joining the forum

Hi, I came back to the forum a few days ago after a break of a couple of months and I was disappointed to see threads that had been locked and people being upset.

I'm not going to discuss the threads, I just wanted to say that I believe there are rich, powerful people who wish to sow seeds of discontent and create division amongst the less powerful and poorer sections of the populace, for control.and to prevent themselves coming under scrutiny or attack. The media are complicit, as stories of war and hatred sell better than stories of peace and cooperation. I remember years ago hearing a story from the era of mods and rockers, about how some media guys had found a group of mods on Brighton beach and encouraged them to go into the town and pick a fight with a group of rockers, so they could report on it. (They may even have paid them, not sure on that though)

My point is that we should not let them divide us. Governments come and go, "News" comes and goes, but none of them are working for our interests, so I suggest that the best way forward is ignoring them and supporting each other.

In the words of The Beloved - Lets come together, in sweet harmony.

  • One of those big brother moments. This popped up in my suggested Facebook feed after your post!

  • All good, thank you for your response, I’m just happy to see you back and that’s why I sent you the request, but I absolutely respect your decision to not accept the request. See you in the posts around the forum and I wish you good evening. 

  • Hi A.H.

    I see that you sent me a friend request. I don't really know what that means and I'm cautious about giving out personal information, so sorry that I haven't responded but thank you anyway Slight smile

    Hope you had a good day.

  • Good to see you again Pixiefox.

  • I’m happy to see you back, Pixiefox! I already got used to some heated arguments here, I just stay away. Arguments happen everywhere, because it’s a human thing. Autism does not prevent it. 

  • I'm not self censoring enough, apparently! 

    Finally, someone in teh site admin decided I'd really crossed a line, and I have 30 days of being "on moderation". 

    Now some poor soul has to wade though anything I post and decide if it's within the rules. 

    I took me a nice long break from posting about a month ago, and just talked to a few people on P.M's (some of my friends list people actually are becoming "real people" to me, and I look forwards to getting a PM. 

    I could do that, and give whoever it is who censors me an easy time, OR I could use it s a learning exercise and map out exactly what posts are allowed, and which ones break the rules.. Kinda like  "Battleships"...

    Just kidding.

    I'll cut back on the posting, I think, because there's litte point in answering something and having it appear 2 days later..

  • My post disappeared instead of being published so I repeat: welcome back Pixiefox! I’m happy to see you here! 
    i already got used to seeing heated arguments here from time to time, I don’t engage, I stay away. Maybe I’m a snowflake or maybe it’s my trauma response or I’m just saving my own energy. If there is a clash in front of me, I freeze and stare blankly, here online I just don’t engage, even if the topic somehow affects me or my situation. I repeat to myself: it’s just online, nobody’s gonna harm me. But online is also real, because it’s created by real people. Except of bots. 

  • Glad you have rejoined Pixiefox and thank you for such an interesting, thoughtful post. 

    A few thoughts on it, from observation I believe human beings are very tribal. They seem to have this in built instinct to find a group of people to identify with and then other rival groups of people to hate. Some do this through politics, others through football and other things. I even remember the whole Blur v Oasis thing in the 90s, kids would have fights in the playground about which band they listened to. Mods v rockers in the 60s as well, mass brawls on Brighton beach

    I like being part of a group but I struggle to see the point in hating rival groups for the sake of it. It doesnt make much sense to me. I like or dislike people based on who they are not what group they are part of

  • I agree with all you say.

  • Hi Debbie, 

    I don't think there's some secret plan agreed by some sort of cult of billionaires, it's just human nature. The rich have always manipulated the poor, and the rich have always been in competition with each other and used the poor as pawns when needed (such as when they wanted a war).

    I recently watched the TV series "The Great" which is a bit tongue in cheek , but actually shows how human society has always been set up to benefit the rich, and how difficult it is to change that.

  • "woe betide" trying to make neutral comments !!

    It is very hard to make a truly neutral comment as people are so polarised these days. I have tried basing my comments off facts where possible but there is always the risk someone will disagree because the facts do not support their point of view.

    I often find I have to just abandon a response as I realise that someone or another may take exception to it, so I end up just not participating as I would like to.

    I personally don't think that heavy censoring of opinions is a healthy thing as it infantalises the vast majority to cater for the sensitive minority, but I self censor now because of this.

  • Just wanted to say welcome back,  thanks for reigniting my interest in ‘Talking Heads’. 

  • To any moderators reading this - I just edited my post and I believe I clicked "report abuse" instead of "edit" the first time I tried to do it. Why is there a Report abuse option when you are editing your own post, and why is it right next to Edit???

  • Hi Number, thanks for that.

    Most people need an identity and status within a group, to prevent them feeling isolated. New groups will be created from time to time and there will be trends to join one or another. Many people enjoy competition, some even enjoy conflict (think of some football supporters for example) I too don't understand that, as it's not how I am.

    I read an article a while back about an experiment with a group of mice - they were given adequate space, plenty of food, and had no dangers from predators. After a while they began to spend much of their time time self grooming and fighting. (Later they became disinterested in mating, and eventually the whole population died out!)

    I too am cautious about joining in much on the forum at present. I almost deleted this post. Hopefully I haven't started something that will upset anyone.

  • On the positive side, it isn't like those posts/topics are in the majority. There are lots of good posts still. It's still a sad truth that those who shout the loudest... Well... I'm too tired to post much else today. Anyway, I hope to see you around, Pixiefox. I think you left before I joined.

  • Is this not simply a reflection or echo of the wider world at these times of heightened tensions and discontent........with apparently most things?!

    It is pretty exhausting to look at - and "woe betide" trying to make neutral comments !!

  • This forum has become Conspiracy Theory Central.


  • I also think that your assessment of "rich, powerful people who wish to sow seeds of discontent and create division" is correct Pixiefox, but I struggle to understand why the "foot-soldiers" are so quick to join 'this' or 'that' cause / campaign.

    I think we also subject to a malign effect from "something" that is turning everyone a "bit unstable and overtly aggressive" in their manner.  I see this on the world stage, in this forum and in the car park of supermarkets at the moment.  It is worrisome.

    Nice to see you back here Pixiefox......although I am electing to keep away more than normal....because I am finding the current "vibes" very unappealing altogether!!