My thoughts after re-joining the forum

Hi, I came back to the forum a few days ago after a break of a couple of months and I was disappointed to see threads that had been locked and people being upset.

I'm not going to discuss the threads, I just wanted to say that I believe there are rich, powerful people who wish to sow seeds of discontent and create division amongst the less powerful and poorer sections of the populace, for control.and to prevent themselves coming under scrutiny or attack. The media are complicit, as stories of war and hatred sell better than stories of peace and cooperation. I remember years ago hearing a story from the era of mods and rockers, about how some media guys had found a group of mods on Brighton beach and encouraged them to go into the town and pick a fight with a group of rockers, so they could report on it. (They may even have paid them, not sure on that though)

My point is that we should not let them divide us. Governments come and go, "News" comes and goes, but none of them are working for our interests, so I suggest that the best way forward is ignoring them and supporting each other.

In the words of The Beloved - Lets come together, in sweet harmony.

  • I also think that your assessment of "rich, powerful people who wish to sow seeds of discontent and create division" is correct Pixiefox, but I struggle to understand why the "foot-soldiers" are so quick to join 'this' or 'that' cause / campaign.

    I think we also subject to a malign effect from "something" that is turning everyone a "bit unstable and overtly aggressive" in their manner.  I see this on the world stage, in this forum and in the car park of supermarkets at the moment.  It is worrisome.

    Nice to see you back here Pixiefox......although I am electing to keep away more than normal....because I am finding the current "vibes" very unappealing altogether!!

  • I also think that your assessment of "rich, powerful people who wish to sow seeds of discontent and create division" is correct Pixiefox, but I struggle to understand why the "foot-soldiers" are so quick to join 'this' or 'that' cause / campaign.

    I think we also subject to a malign effect from "something" that is turning everyone a "bit unstable and overtly aggressive" in their manner.  I see this on the world stage, in this forum and in the car park of supermarkets at the moment.  It is worrisome.

    Nice to see you back here Pixiefox......although I am electing to keep away more than normal....because I am finding the current "vibes" very unappealing altogether!!

  • Hi Number, thanks for that.

    Most people need an identity and status within a group, to prevent them feeling isolated. New groups will be created from time to time and there will be trends to join one or another. Many people enjoy competition, some even enjoy conflict (think of some football supporters for example) I too don't understand that, as it's not how I am.

    I read an article a while back about an experiment with a group of mice - they were given adequate space, plenty of food, and had no dangers from predators. After a while they began to spend much of their time time self grooming and fighting. (Later they became disinterested in mating, and eventually the whole population died out!)

    I too am cautious about joining in much on the forum at present. I almost deleted this post. Hopefully I haven't started something that will upset anyone.