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This surge in far-right violence is frightening me. I'm dreaming about it and having trouble focusing at the moment. My sensitivities seem to kick off badly when stuff like this is going on.

I keep away from the news best I can but it seems to be everywhere.

How do you deal with the issues out there today?

  • I wonder if any of  the people  using this forum to spread far-right  bollocks will be prosecuted?  Both the Prime Minister and Home Secretary have been quite  clear that they won't stand for online incitement

  • Thought police has been a thing for a while now anyway. People were being visited by police for twitter comments five years ago. People just angrier now. And will probably get angrier.

  • Inciting violence is bad though. People could get killed.

  • Thank you.  That is kind of you to say.

  • Your insight on these matters is incongruous to mine

    I read that in leonard nemoys voice lol  

    You gotta way with words, man, foreal, far out....  I do too.... In my own special.....way

  • You haven't answered my question about what you meant.  You used the term "sides" before I responded with what you claim is instigation.  I was asking what you meant.

    You are now attempting to disambiguate and confuse the issue.

    You''re last paragraph is an attempt to take the higher ground where non exists.

    I really don't wish to interact with you either. I like honest folk

  • Your insight on these matters is incongruous to mine.  Notwithstanding, I now feel the call of my bed, so I wish you a thoughtful goodnight, #lestat.

  • Well, diametrically opposed terminology (ie your use of the word "left") tends to lead to a conversation about "sides" - ie Left -v- Right.  This was not my instigation.

    You opted to elect the term "left" in your your question reflects back to you, for answer,

    Anyhow, I've been around the block a few times......and this "type" of interaction is not what I seek here.  Accordingly, I will bid you a good night #mellowjian.

  • Honestly tho i've learned nothin new for acid, cause i'm already a semi-genius to begin with. (so humble too ! lool) but it definitely gets you outside the box.And not at all unpleasant or scary, to me atleast.

    Umhhh....not sure that this moves us any further forward in this matter.......not that I was seeking progression.

    See , there's that robotic talk again. It is like spock. (call me.... kirk) The extreme male brain theory is right , autism is skewed towards overly, analytical, mechanical rigid style of thought, and studies have shown this theory to be valid. I'm saying, balancing the brain is important, now whether that's a progressive thing, is entirely subjective. And whether it should be sought, is entirely personal.

    You might say acid is  LEFT (progressive) side, and  Fear of psychedelics is a RIGHT (regressive) side thing. And this is historically the case.

  • Principled people tend to tell the truth. What did you mean when you first used the term "sides". And why are claiming I was the first to use the word?

  • Umhhh....not sure that this moves us any further forward in this matter.......not that I was seeking progression.

  • am content to be viewed as "rigid".....I am principled.

    I cannot imagine anything worse than "Acid" at this time, in my body and brain.

    People fear the unknown, thats understandable. Having values are one thing, but thinking outside the box is another thing also.

    You could say, autism is a kind of box, and if your horizon is limited, and you cant see outside the box, you literally, dont know what you dont know. Does anybody.....follow me? lol. nevermind

  • I am content to be viewed as "rigid".....I am principled.

    I cannot imagine anything worse than "Acid" at this time, in my body and brain.

  • I could not define 'the Left,' nor 'the Right

    It fluctuates through time. it's not a static thing.

    I would define it roughly as the people who want to preserve (conserve! a tism) the old ways of things, and the the ones who are pushing for new uncomfortable ways of things (more liberal, more for freedom). That's basically it. But things muddy the waters. But its basically new vs old.

  • I could not define 'the Left,' nor 'the Right

    It fluctuates through time. it's not a static thing.

    I would define it roughly as the people who want to preserve (conserve! a tism) the old ways of things, and the the ones who are pushing for new uncomfortable ways of things (more liberal, more for freedom). That's basically it. But things muddy the waters. But its basically new vs old.

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