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This surge in far-right violence is frightening me. I'm dreaming about it and having trouble focusing at the moment. My sensitivities seem to kick off badly when stuff like this is going on.

I keep away from the news best I can but it seems to be everywhere.

How do you deal with the issues out there today?

  • hey that guy Caelus was right actually. Starner is going to use this to enforce a strict police state on the British public. Look it up it’s true. This is like the country being put on lockdown. Don’t get me wrong what these people are doing with they’re riots is making things worse as it’s giving starmer the excuse he needs to shut down the country and label anyone that questions the government a far right fascist.

  • hey that guy Caelus was right actually. Starner is going to use this to enforce a strict police state on the British public. Look it up it’s true. This is like the country being put on lockdown. Don’t get me wrong what these people are doing with they’re riots is making things worse as it’s giving starmer the excuse he needs to shut down the country and label anyone that questions the government a far right fascist.

  • That is absolute rubbish.There's a big difference between non violent, though at times very heated,debate and what those rioters are doing.Starmer is quite rightly against the latter. As is any civilised and decent person. I find it very disturbing the way some are quite happy to seek to legitimise the awful behaviour of these  rioters. The 'they're doing it because the working classes have been denied a voice for too long' bs. Or the 'they're not racists they have genuine concerns' bs. There are no excuses for such rioting. Anyone seeing Starmer's response to the rioting as showing his desire to turn the UK into a  'strict police state' are only comparatively less morally repugnant than those rioting.

  • Thats what they said about bush in the 2000's . He would announce a state of emergency. it never happened. If anything like that happens, i would anticipate for this now current 'storm in a teacup' to really get out of hand

  • Look it up it’s true.

    If 'one' has no context within which to filter the information discovered......then do so (ie look it up) , would merely reinforce whatever prejudice that 'one' had before...imho.

    This is how 'targeted news' the best of my knowledge.  It "hardens positions" at best...and "seeds division" at wost.

    My understanding is that - whether you are "with us" or "against us"......if you blindly "look it up, online"....then you will be "hardened" in your pre-existing position.

    [Unpacking my soap box....stepping up on my soap box.....]

    When I hear something, or someone, whom makes me think "now there's a good thinker".....the first thing I do is look for EVERY detrimental thing that has ever been said about that person or that cause.

    It is only then, after hearing BOTH sides of the story, that I choose to form an opinion.....and even then, I remain open to changing my opinion, if new evidence comes to light.

    I don't understand why people don't CALMLY seek out the opposing position in order to "challenge" it.

    I had presumed that this interrogatory modus operandi would be an autists "defluat position" = how very WRONG I was !

    [Packing up my soap box, and choosing to migrate to a different place/thread.]