Black and white thinking

I’m not quite sure how to word this, but does anyone else find it hard to have calm discussions with others due to seeing things as more black and white? I often feel really strongly about particular things and ignore the grey area and just get really defensive when someone seems to say anything slightly different to my own opinion. It takes me a while to understand and acknowledge different perspectives. After I’ve taken the (long) time to do so I can clearly see where they’re coming from and will maybe change my own view slightly as well, but it doesn’t necessarily get better the next time the topic comes up and I still react too strongly. 

  • There's this thing called maturity and not being a crybaby. If you want to be respected by NT's, last thing you want to do is have a trantrum, or show you're are upset. Laugh it off. they will respect you, for it shows you are strong. NT's only respect robustness. Even if you are annoyed inside. luckily i have  an excellent poker face, and low reactivity to most things people say.

  • I find it quite hard to hide my emotions though! Or I can do it for a while but then my reaction becomes even bigger because I’ve been keeping it in for so long.

  • To me most things are a grey area, I ask lots of questions, many of them awkward ones and people don't like it. There are a few areas that are entirely black and white, but much of it is really just an opinion. People seem to have lost the ability to agree to disagree, to compromise, to discuss and debate, to listen to speak without abuse.

    I prefer the term binary thinking too, it's something we're encouraged to do, do we prefer this or that, chips or mash and the gods help you if you dislike ether! (I'm using potatoes as an example by the way for the more literal minded of you). If you don't like potatoes or prefer them roast or jacketed, then you will be othered to some extent, you may just get away with prefering roasties, but if you don't like potatoes at all you will be othered.

    I don't think we give ourselves enough time to learn which we like and create an informed opinion, people don't like it when you say you don't really have an opinion, then you lack empathy care awareness etc. We allow ourselves to bullied into picking a side, not having a side means being an outcast even when it is about potatoes.

    Binary thinking leads us down all sorts of paths with little of value at the end of them, most of the interesting stuff is happening in the middle ground. Next time someone asks you an either or question, stop and ask youself and them why it has to be that way, what are their motives in asking you to choose? Why does the world need to be divided this way?

  • To me most things are a grey area, I ask lots of questions, many of them awkward ones and people don't like it. There are a few areas that are entirely black and white, but much of it is really just an opinion. People seem to have lost the ability to agree to disagree, to compromise, to discuss and debate, to listen to speak without abuse.

    I prefer the term binary thinking too, it's something we're encouraged to do, do we prefer this or that, chips or mash and the gods help you if you dislike ether! (I'm using potatoes as an example by the way for the more literal minded of you). If you don't like potatoes or prefer them roast or jacketed, then you will be othered to some extent, you may just get away with prefering roasties, but if you don't like potatoes at all you will be othered.

    I don't think we give ourselves enough time to learn which we like and create an informed opinion, people don't like it when you say you don't really have an opinion, then you lack empathy care awareness etc. We allow ourselves to bullied into picking a side, not having a side means being an outcast even when it is about potatoes.

    Binary thinking leads us down all sorts of paths with little of value at the end of them, most of the interesting stuff is happening in the middle ground. Next time someone asks you an either or question, stop and ask youself and them why it has to be that way, what are their motives in asking you to choose? Why does the world need to be divided this way?

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