It's my birthday in two days and I'm usually fine about it, but this time, I keep feeling angry and sad for no reason.

I'm 43 and got diagnosed as autistic only 2 months ago. I found the diagnosis both enlightening and validating because it explains so many aspects of my personality, why my brain may process things differently than most people, and why I struggled so much socially growing up.

Apart from the usual "urgh, I'm getting old" feeling, which most people feel when it's their birthday, I usually feel fine about my birthday; almost a little excited. This last week, however, I keep having angry, intrusive thoughts about work and friends, and feeling even more irritated about minor things than usual e.g. friends reading WhatsApp messages and not replying.

I also feel quite sad and lonely, but I don't know why it's come on so quickly as I felt happy just a few days ago. It's almost like I'm expecting my birthday to be a real disappointment and I'm feeling sad and angry in advance of that happening. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, how do you pick yourself back up? Thanks :) 

  • Welcome and congratulations on your diagnosis!

    It's wonderful that you're already enjoying some of the benefits that can come with a diagnosis (you mention feeling enlightened and validated).

    However, also keep in mind that, during the period following a diagnosis - and for late-diagnosed autistic adults in particular - it can also be common to experience some emotional dysregulation. This can include, for example, working through a phase where they experience (backward-focused) anger, frustration, grieving and more.

    This may help to explain why you're currently feeling less well regulated than usual, as you approach your birthday.

    The NAS has a newly refreshed set of articles focused around diagnosis, including one covering how you might feel during the subsequent days / weeks / months:

    How you might feel after a diagosis:

    Other advice covering post-diagnosis:

  • Thank you so much for your lovely and supportive reply, Bunny. :)

    I didn't realise it was common to experience emotional dysregulation following a diagnosis, so that's really good to know. I think you're absolutely right: it does almost feel like it's backwards-focused anger and sadness I'm experiencing that I'm then projecting onto current and future events.

    Thanks very much for the article links. I'll definitely give them both a read.

    You've really helped and I do feel better, so your help is much appreciated. :)

  • You're most welcome - delighted to have helped! :)

    As the NAS resources mention, it can also be common for newly diagnosed autistic adults to be offered therapy.

    If that's a route that you're heading down, you may find this book helpful (and a time saver) - I certainly did!

    The Autistic Survival Guide to Therapy - Paperback - 21 Feb. 2024 - by Steph Jones

    "In this candid, witty and insightful exploration into therapy, Steph Jones uses her professional and lived experiences as a late diagnosed autistic woman and therapist, as well as consulting therapists from across the world and tapping into the autistic community, to create the ultimate autistic survival guide to therapy". 

  • Thank you very much for the birthday wishes! Blush

    And all the best with the therapy/counselling - I hope it continues to help you and you find it really beneficial Blush

  • Awesome! And I love Amazon Prime, too! :) 

    I was diagnosed last year. It took me a while before I felt that I was ready for therapy / counselling, which I started a few weeks ago and am finding very helpful.

    I wish you all the best and - albeit a little early - a very happy birthday!

  • Thanks again so much for the advice, Bunny. I have contemplated therapy, even prior to my diagnosis, so that may be a route I go down. On your recommendation, I've just ordered the above book, so look forward to reading it from tomorrow (good old Amazon Prime Joy).


  • Thanks again so much for the advice, Bunny. I have contemplated therapy, even prior to my diagnosis, so that may be a route I go down. On your recommendation, I've just ordered the above book, so look forward to reading it from tomorrow (good old Amazon Prime Joy).


  • Thank you very much for the birthday wishes! Blush

    And all the best with the therapy/counselling - I hope it continues to help you and you find it really beneficial Blush

  • Awesome! And I love Amazon Prime, too! :) 

    I was diagnosed last year. It took me a while before I felt that I was ready for therapy / counselling, which I started a few weeks ago and am finding very helpful.

    I wish you all the best and - albeit a little early - a very happy birthday!