About the government

Hi why do the government always attack the disabled who are unable to work it’s just so wrong no different. Don’t think we are ever going to be important to them 

  • why do the government always attack the disabled who are unable to work it’s just so wrong no different. Don’t think we are ever going to be important to them 

    What it boils down to is this.

    The government look at the big picture of things as with over 70 million people to deal with they cannot afford to cater for everyone.

    Part of this picture is that disabled people are a leech on their finances. We use lots of public money (services, PIP, healthcare etc) and don't contribute much via taxes.

    Their view is that if they can get rid of more leeches then they will have more cash to spend on other stuff that will benefit more people and thus earn them more votes the next election time.

    They do enough to make it look like they are taking care of the needy while squeezing them at every turn.

    We are too small a group of voters to be of interest to them.

    It is that simple I'm afraid.

    All in my opinion of course.

  • I hope they are but the signs aren't good so far

  • Couldn’t agree more but I don’t think this government is going to actually help us 

  • Yeh its tough because those who actually need it dont get it or at least have to jump through hoops to get it. There needs to be more support for people with disabilities 

  • I’m already on pip and I get uc my mum is my carer and I have a genuine reason to why I get what I get but what you said about some people playing the system it’s just so wrong and it does give us a bad name yes 

  • I think its partly because we are an easy target, they know we don't have the power and influence to fight back if that makes sense.

    I think the other reason is because the people who fake it give those of us who are genuinely disabled a bad name. I know people on PIP who have nothing wrong with them, lie their backside off to the assessors, and go out partying and ordering deliveroos every night and have never worked a day in their lives. What these people dont realise is that they give those of us with genuine disabilities a bad name. The media and the governement then assume we are all like that and dont give the support to those of us who genuinely cant work and actually need the help 

    Ive been through the process myself and I have been in and out of work and its tough. Whatever your going through now with PIP and everything I really support you, its not easy. Just know you are worth more than they make you feel if that makes sense