Scared, lonely and depressed

To this day I feel severely depressed and wonder what the point of anything is.

I'm not convinced anyone cares about anyone or anything.

  • They give me one hour a week at the moment with a social worker, this is years after it was identified I needed at least 14 hours a week one-to-one support and after I was determined eligible to be put in supported accommodation for mentally ill people where staff were there 9-5 on weekdays. I don't want to burden people here with my problems but I don't know where to go. I feel the NHS and social services mostly don't listen to me and talk at me. I am struggling to cope with my father's dementia and my half-sister has cancer and my mum believes she will die soon, and my mother is stressed about my father, me and my sister, the whole thing is a mess. I'm in love with a woman who worked at the supported accommodation I lived in and she won't speak to me and that is the only reason I see to carry on living because I've loved her over a year and it doesn't matter how many times people disagree with my perspective, I do not fall in love with women who are not professionals. I believe it is my soul's purpose. From the social care assessment:

    ****** is constantly misinterpreting non verbal communication this leads him to
    think everyone dislikes him. Because ******'s expression doesn't change most people he
    speaks with including professionals don't pick up on the extent of ******'s struggles which
    causes ***** to revert into himself more and more and to become increasingly paranoid
    about whoever he's speaking to, believing that they hate him. This paranoia usually persists after the conversation.

  • I also believe most people don't like me and make fun of me behind my back. I have also been labeled as paranoid and find myself isolating myself :( 

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