Government crackdown on disabled people

Firstly let’s start with the governments decision to turn cash disability payments into vouchers instead. Removing cash from disabled people is inhumane. 

Secondly let’s look at the assisted suicide laws that are supposed to come in at some point. They will in my opinion use these laws to kill autistic people that are simply depressed or suffering from bowel issues.

Thirdly let’s look at the crack down on advertising of alternative therapies for autism. They are cracking down on all advertising that claims anything other than pharmaceutical drugs can treat autism. Because you are not allowed to take anything other than what the government tells you you are allowed to take. For example they are banning advertising that claims that Pycnogenol can help autistic people. It is a potent anti inflammatory supplement made from plant compounds. The government has obviously banned these advertisements because they want you to think your symptoms are untreatable and that the only way to feel better is to take their drugs that they approve for you. Fair enough if the drugs actually worked but how many of you have tried antipsychotics and antidepressants only to find they either do nothing or make your symptoms worse sometimes even.

All this makes me not hopeful for the future of autistic people. We have discussed already how they want to find a gene responsible for autism so they can prevent it. Now they are looking at other ways to make our lives more miserable. The NAS has to not allow this kind of thing! 

  • Apologies if it seems like I'm going off topic...

    A good many years ago, my local council used to issue decorating vouchers to council tenants. These vouchers could only be used with a specific company that sold one brand of paint, which happened to be one of the most expensive brands. After complaints from tenants, the council later scrapped those vouchers and replaced them with ones that could be used with a major DIY retailer that sold a variety of brands to suit all budgets.

    On the topic of the proposed voucher system for the likes of PIP, I fear a similar thing to the above. People who (for example) require disability aids will find that they are no longer able to shop around for items they deem cost-effective. 

    Under the current system of cash payments, the individual gets to choose how and where they spend that money. I consider this a good thing because I think it helps to contribute to an individual's sense of independence.

    If the proposed voucher system results in a lack of choice for the individual, then in addition to creating more problems for them, I think it could also result in causing more problems for the government.

    As for the topic of assisted suicide, I believe it would only ever be considered lawful for adults with life-limiting terminal illnesses, such as cancer, motor neurone disease, etc. As I understand it, a doctor would need to be absolutely certain it was what a person wanted. For what it's worth, I just cannot imagine any doctor agreeing to assisted suicide if an adult was suffering with a condition or illness that wasn't deemed to be terminal.

  • Yeh I attached the link so you can read what I read. Yeh I guess I see your point but the thing is thalidomide was a chemical made in a laboratory. I don’t know the whole story behind thalidomide but I know a lot about the opioids and how they marketed them as safe and non addictive particularly OxyContin. Similarly benzodiazepines were meant to be safer than the old barbiturates but we eventually learned they were anything but safe. 

  • It's terrible. You're right, things like this shouldn't be in politics. It's not fair on the people who truly need that help. I try to avoid reading the news because stuff like this is just so stressful. 

  • that is why pure PR is good because you would get fair representation.Sometimes though the majority has to win like dare I say it Brexit and this is from someone that wished we had remained

  • I am afraid it is because to fix the system is long term and costs money and governments are only thinking of the next election these sorts of things should be taken out of politics and an independent body rules what to do

  • The fact vouchers are even being suggested is awful. The genuine people don't claim for the sake of it, we can't live on vouchers to help get a little of our shopping. Most of us rely on things like PIP and ESA. Our lives literally depend on it in some people's cases and they're offering us a voucher-its disgusting and shaming disabled people who didn't ask to be disabled.

    Why can't the governments actually just help us rather than constantly try and make an already stressful and hard life even more stressful and hard. It's so frustrating. 

  • Yeah it makes me very angry too, because they are so out of touch and completely ignorant towards disabled people. And it does add further insult when it’s a multimillion making this decisions. It had caused to much upset within all disabled communities, but he decided to come up with this vouchers scheme just to attract the ableist people. I know we haven’t got a decent choice in politics to vote for tomorrow, but I just want the current party out of power. I wish there was an option on the ballot paper “don’t care - just get tories out”

  • I am very angry because I understand that PIP is used to pay for increased food costs.  But try to prove it to an assessor.  And then you have millionaire government ministers saying that one should be able to make a meal for 30 pence.

  • For example they are banning advertising that claims that Pycnogenol can help autistic people.

    Do you have any links for this please?

    I see the US have been researching its use and early studies are promising, so hopefully if this works its way through the full range of tests without major side effects then it may be reconsidered:

    The fact it is a plant extract does not make it good or safe - heroin and cocaine are also plant extracts which started out with good intentions. There is a process to properly assess the suitability of the drug and it is going through this, but it seems sensible to restrict it in the meantime while any claims are verified.

    I suspect a lot of people wished thalidomide had gone through the same tests when it was first released.

    The government has obviously banned these advertisements because they want you to think your symptoms are untreatable and that the only way to feel better is to take their drugs that they approve for you.

    To what end? The government are paying for these drugs anyway for most of us (as most are on benefits) so you would imagine they would want you to go buy your own thing if you could. I don't see a tangible benefit for this sort of control.

    If anything I think the issue stems from an overly cautious approach, a lack of funding and general incompetence rather than a malicious intent.

  • Democracy is Mob Rule. It allows 51% of the population to deny the rights of the other 49%

    Can you suggest a better solution?

  • Lol sorry Robert. I may have missed the sarcasm but can see the funny side now Slight smile

  • I'm disappointed that you've missed my sarcasm.Disappointed relieved

  • Democracy is Mob Rule. It allows 51% of the population to deny the rights of the other 49%.

    (Thomas Jefferson)

  • i am afraid you are correct we need Proportional Representation and politicians that are free minded the party system I am afraid is broken now

  • My thoughts are that I like my Autism and do not want to take medication I love the medication that helps with my OCD and Anxiety.Governments are generally useless on drugs as they work out the cost and whether it is popular.

  • Sometimes gas and electric bills are higher due to disabilities, who’s to say PIP cannot help pay towards those costs. Same with food, some people need certain types of food that are more expensive or some people might not be able to cook and have to pay for more expensive precooked meals. 

    You’re right, the government will try and push vouchers to make it more difficult for people to use in the hopes they save money. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen!

  • Firstly let’s start with the governments decision to turn cash disability payments into vouchers instead. Removing cash from disabled people is inhumane

    Reason for this is, that disabled people are not spending cash on items directly related to their disability.  Instead they are using the cash to buy food, pay rent, pay gas and electricity bills.  With a voucher system it will be much more difficult to claim vouchers and the government will save money.

  • It's because the Scientists, from that Regime, moved to America and dictated the pace of scientific progress.

  • As a gay man and as a traditional Catholic, I feel the same way - yet even worse, their actions have the effect of spawning even more extreme mindsets and ideologies against us as disabled people - I do feel that this is a spiritual battle that we must win for the sake of future generations