Government crackdown on disabled people

Firstly let’s start with the governments decision to turn cash disability payments into vouchers instead. Removing cash from disabled people is inhumane. 

Secondly let’s look at the assisted suicide laws that are supposed to come in at some point. They will in my opinion use these laws to kill autistic people that are simply depressed or suffering from bowel issues.

Thirdly let’s look at the crack down on advertising of alternative therapies for autism. They are cracking down on all advertising that claims anything other than pharmaceutical drugs can treat autism. Because you are not allowed to take anything other than what the government tells you you are allowed to take. For example they are banning advertising that claims that Pycnogenol can help autistic people. It is a potent anti inflammatory supplement made from plant compounds. The government has obviously banned these advertisements because they want you to think your symptoms are untreatable and that the only way to feel better is to take their drugs that they approve for you. Fair enough if the drugs actually worked but how many of you have tried antipsychotics and antidepressants only to find they either do nothing or make your symptoms worse sometimes even.

All this makes me not hopeful for the future of autistic people. We have discussed already how they want to find a gene responsible for autism so they can prevent it. Now they are looking at other ways to make our lives more miserable. The NAS has to not allow this kind of thing! 

  • Firstly let’s start with the governments decision to turn cash disability payments into vouchers instead. Removing cash from disabled people is inhumane

    Reason for this is, that disabled people are not spending cash on items directly related to their disability.  Instead they are using the cash to buy food, pay rent, pay gas and electricity bills.  With a voucher system it will be much more difficult to claim vouchers and the government will save money.

  • Sometimes gas and electric bills are higher due to disabilities, who’s to say PIP cannot help pay towards those costs. Same with food, some people need certain types of food that are more expensive or some people might not be able to cook and have to pay for more expensive precooked meals. 

    You’re right, the government will try and push vouchers to make it more difficult for people to use in the hopes they save money. Let’s hope it doesn’t happen!

  • I'm disappointed that you've missed my sarcasm.Disappointed relieved

  • Yeah it makes me very angry too, because they are so out of touch and completely ignorant towards disabled people. And it does add further insult when it’s a multimillion making this decisions. It had caused to much upset within all disabled communities, but he decided to come up with this vouchers scheme just to attract the ableist people. I know we haven’t got a decent choice in politics to vote for tomorrow, but I just want the current party out of power. I wish there was an option on the ballot paper “don’t care - just get tories out”

  • I am very angry because I understand that PIP is used to pay for increased food costs.  But try to prove it to an assessor.  And then you have millionaire government ministers saying that one should be able to make a meal for 30 pence.

Reply Children
  • Yeah it makes me very angry too, because they are so out of touch and completely ignorant towards disabled people. And it does add further insult when it’s a multimillion making this decisions. It had caused to much upset within all disabled communities, but he decided to come up with this vouchers scheme just to attract the ableist people. I know we haven’t got a decent choice in politics to vote for tomorrow, but I just want the current party out of power. I wish there was an option on the ballot paper “don’t care - just get tories out”