Government crackdown on disabled people

Firstly let’s start with the governments decision to turn cash disability payments into vouchers instead. Removing cash from disabled people is inhumane. 

Secondly let’s look at the assisted suicide laws that are supposed to come in at some point. They will in my opinion use these laws to kill autistic people that are simply depressed or suffering from bowel issues.

Thirdly let’s look at the crack down on advertising of alternative therapies for autism. They are cracking down on all advertising that claims anything other than pharmaceutical drugs can treat autism. Because you are not allowed to take anything other than what the government tells you you are allowed to take. For example they are banning advertising that claims that Pycnogenol can help autistic people. It is a potent anti inflammatory supplement made from plant compounds. The government has obviously banned these advertisements because they want you to think your symptoms are untreatable and that the only way to feel better is to take their drugs that they approve for you. Fair enough if the drugs actually worked but how many of you have tried antipsychotics and antidepressants only to find they either do nothing or make your symptoms worse sometimes even.

All this makes me not hopeful for the future of autistic people. We have discussed already how they want to find a gene responsible for autism so they can prevent it. Now they are looking at other ways to make our lives more miserable. The NAS has to not allow this kind of thing! 

  • Watching Liz Carr's documentary on assisted suicide was eye opening and supports your point that it will be used to facilitate the eradication of non productive people. Non-productive in the capitalist sense of course 

    Regarding alternative meds, there's so much scamming and dangerous treatments are being offered to cure autism in children, I support the government's decision to put controls into place. 

  • Thank you for the information and advice. More research should be done and alternative treatments for autism should be sought.

  • That’s great I am glad you found it to be informative. I would say ASD and inflammation are connected somehow. It’s interesting if you look at autism and GABA they seem to be connected and GABA is important for maintaining inflammation and keeping stress levels down which helps anxiety as well. It’s all very interesting hopefully more research can be done on this topic. If there is something to be learned about autism then that is great. But I wouldn’t just go trying things without speaking to your GP first. 

  • I stand by everything that I have said - there is no other solution 

  • what we really need is strong leadership in the form of a Milltary dictatorship government

    Because that has worked so well for countries around the world where the military took over power.

    We are not at war so there can be no good reason for the military to be given control therefore they must seize it which has led to many of the worst human rights atrocities in history.

    Brazil (where I live) had a military government from 1964 to 85 and they took exception to any groups who promoted either liberalism or democracy, leading to many of the more vulnerable members of society being "dissapeared". Likewise for the press who were not supportive of them.

    Dictatorship in any form focusses too much power in one individual or small group and must be avoided at all costs in my opinion.

    There is scope for a military co-government in war times but there need to be very clear controls over when the power is handed back.

  • I think it would depend on what sort of PR was gone for and how the law was constructed around it. Some countries seem to make a big mess of everything, some seem to go along quite easily.

    I think laws being toothless and underfunded happens now, it's what governments do with laws that the public want and they don't. It's all purely for show and so as they can say they've done something that was wanted and that they listened.

    I think consensus politics would be better, we desperately need to get away from what one party does the other tears down, it takes up to much time and resourses and we're the ones who suffer. For something's like an industrial plan, thts going to take more than the life time of one parliament to achieve everybody needs to agree.

  • Actually this is quite true - what we really need is strong leadership in the form of a Milltary dictatorship government - both from the days of the Czars, the Soviet/Communist Era and even after Glasnost/Perestrokia, the Russian people have always needed strong leadership governments and this is also true in other governments around the world where they have absolute rulers or dictatorships or milltary governments, which have turned out to be the most successful 

  • Hello, Thank you for your reply. I found your reply to be incredibly informative. Would you say inflammation and an ASD are linked? Would you say there is a link between hay fever and skin conditions and an ASD? Since joining this community and reading informative posts like this one my loneliness and fear of being ASD has slowly dissipated.

  • let’s look at the assisted suicide laws that are supposed to come in at some point.

    thats unconservative, so you would have been safe from that in a true conservative government.... in a labour government you may get it more likely.

    but generally its against traditionalism, its against religion, its against traditional values. so no real conservative government would ever entertain any legalised suicide. if they do they are betraying their own values. they should also be against abortion too really.

  • The current government are about to be ditched - so what will happen in future regarding govt policy and autism isn’t known at this point. Because of that I have resolved not to worry about the future regarding this because the information about the facts just isn’t there yet. 
    I would ‘park’ your worries for now - and concentrate on the present and enjoying your life as much as you can right now. As to the future policies of the new government : I’d say the best thing is to wait and see, and cross that bridge when you come to it. 

  • I would be totally against it . It would be given to do certain things that are very narrowly seen as a product of one’s disability. Using it to do things that can give you pleasure despite your disability would become a thing of the past. It would be cruel and uncivilised. ‘You’re disabled, therefore you’re a bad person, therefore you don’t deserve to enjoy joy and pleasure’ You don’t have to be overly intelligent to know who promotes such morally bankrupt/degenerate beliefs.

  • Hi thanks for your reply. I am glad you got off the meds if they weren’t working. No I don’t take pycnogenol. But I take zinc which is also any inflammatory. It seems to help me. My hayfever is gone with it so is my acne. Just gone. And I have tried dozens of antihistamines that didn’t do anything. I think the fact that it helps inflammation also helps my anxiety. I know a lot of autistic people do the gluten free anti inflammatory diet and that helps them. But I like my food and don’t want to give up pizzas etc so I just take some zinc supplements. So that’s what I take and it helps me personally. 

    I will tell you a list of anti inflammatory supplements that are available - 


    omega 3 oil



    green tea 





    They are all good for inflammatory conditions I have heard. Like IBD and arthritis. I personally chose zinc because it’s quite a potent anti inflammatory supplement. Plus it’s cheap and all the other ones listed are roughly £20 at best whereas good zinc from Solgar goes for about £10.

    Hope this helps. But always seek advice from your doctor before trying any new supplements or medicines. 

  • Yes, I can, PR, it's not right that the voices of so many of the population can be ignored

    This is a nice concept but in most countries where it has been implemented it has not worked very well and administrative gridlock ensues.

    Instead of 2 big parties and aa handful of smaller ones you now have a bun fight with dozens of parties, all of who need to form alliances with other groups to get anything done, so 9 times out of 10 any proposals are watered down so much that they are useless by the time they become law.

    There is a nice article explaining the pros and cons here for those who are interested:

    My biggest worry for us is that every party willing to vote for autism disability laws will have to negotiate and compromise with other parties, leaving any regulation toothless and unfunded.

    Then your vote would count for just as little.

    The existing system is rotten but the porridgy mess of PR is as big a mess in a different way.

  • Thank you for sharing your opinion. I am incredibly desperate for a solution to the end of my pain and suffering. I have an exam coming up and I have been unable to revise for it for the last few days due to my overwhelming anxiety. People with ASD should be taken seriously and treated properly not given a smorgasbord of medications. 

  • I am trying to find something that will ease my overwhelming anxiety.

    I have not come across any claims that Pycnogenol is suitable for treating anxiety.

    So far I've read about it being possibly suitable for ADHD:

    But the tests seem to be mostly on children.

    If you have any peer reviewed articles on this then it would be good to see them.

    At this stage I think it unwise to even consider it until there have been sizable tests performed in clinical conditions with an autistic control group otherwise there the list of side effects would give me cause for concern.

  • I could not agree with you more! The news is incredibly stressful and triggering for me too.

  • things like this shouldn't be in politics. It's not fair on the people who truly need that help.

    Politicians need votes to get into power in order to make policies.

    To get into power they need to appeal to a majority of people - well not strictly true but they need to appeal to more people than their opponents.

    To cater for the likes of autists they are going to have to spend quite a lot of money which will need to be paid for by the majority of those who voted for them - making them less attractive for the next time they need the votes.

    For the polticians it is better to spend that money on something that appeals to the masses than the (minority) needy.

    This is the mechanism at work here.

    We are competing with lots of other minority groups insisting on having money spent - refugees, trans, etc and we are not very intrusive for them so don't get much attention paid to us.

  • Hello, Thank you for sharing this with the community. I found all of it to be incredibly insightful especially the point you made about an alternative medication called Pycnogenol. Do you take Pycnogenol? If so, does it help? I am trying to find something that will ease my overwhelming anxiety. The last three days I feel like I have been having one meltdown after another and am desperate for something to help ease them except medication. I used to take 8 different medications until I came off of them as they were not working.

  • Yes, I can, PR, it's not right that the voices of so many of the population can be ignored, and its unlikely to be 51% vs 49% most governments have a minority of the vote share. I've never felt that my vote has counted for anything.

  • think you’re spot on!