Should I be feeling this as well??

New here & reading through many of the posts, I see that a lot of people are

- worried about not fitting in
- worried how people see them
- feeling not good enough
- worried about being accepted by others
And so much more

Should I be worried that I don't feel any of these things? I see a lot of emotional heartache & sadness caused by these concerns. There are so many posts that I am beginning to think, should I have picked up on the fact that I do not feel these things myself sooner?
It doesn't upset me that I have missed this. I feel more curious as to why, & why I don't feel this way & wondering if I should be. 
I won't be addressing it as I don't see it as a problem to be solved, or something I should try to alter. This is who I am & I accept it. It also doesn't mean that I don't feel concerned for the hurt these things are causing others or feel empathy.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

  • When I was a kid I didn't have any of the worries about being different that i have had since then, about 12 or 13 years old it all kicked in with the social nightmare they call high school.

    While I was ignorant before of how much I could be seen as  arrogant etc, a bit of that now would feel better than self hate.

    So if I were you don't worry about these things, it's not good to worry and only makes us feel rubbish about ourselves.

  • Do I come across as arrogant also? I don't feel it or intend to be that way.
    I just see things as facts, many or which I cannot change. So I accept & move forward to get the best out of what has happened or is happening. 

    My question above was not out of worry. Just realising the different between myself & many others peeked my interest/curiosity.

    I hope you can find some peace in your mind Autisician. 

    Feel free to PM me if you'd ever like to chat. Hugging

  • Do I come across as arrogant also? I don't feel it or intend to be that way.
    I just see things as facts, many or which I cannot change. So I accept & move forward to get the best out of what has happened or is happening. 

    My question above was not out of worry. Just realising the different between myself & many others peeked my interest/curiosity.

    I hope you can find some peace in your mind Autisician. 

    Feel free to PM me if you'd ever like to chat. Hugging

  • Hehe yes!
    Well at the end of the day, we all need each other in some shape or form. Maybe that's what drives us?! Even unknowingly at times.

  • Yeah it's funny when you really think about it!

    Pretty much all the time I see things very objectively and probably too literally, I'm analysing life as it goes by thinking it's all very odd how people are much like sheep, mindlessly following herds.

    But then I try to fit in. It's a big contradiction.

  • It's  fascinates me & confuses me at the same time! So many Autistic peeps make this massive effort to fit in with others. And others often expect it. It makes me wonder how many non-Autistic people try to fit in with the Autistic people around them.
    Who knows, one day there may be more Autistic people that not. Maybe this is evolution Smiley

  • No, I don't think you come across as being arrogant at all. 

    I just remember myself when I was younger and imagine that's how I would have been perceived as that's how I behaved, very headstrong thinking I was right and the world was wrong. Academically I was head and shoulders above the rest in primary, but then the social nightmare of high school meant I got so distracted I didn't do any better than average. I'll never know if I could have done better.

    I've done well with my career, but often wonder if a lot of that was a catch-up after the first ten years were on a different track until I had some sort of realisation, then started a new career path, so could have been a lot better or at least sooner.

    I started off on one extreme and then ended up on the other.

    I'd like to move the dial I have from Being overly worried about my difference to aware of it. So I can be conscious of where I might need to be careful around others, but not convinced that I'm always doing the wrong thing and wasting the stress worrying if I have. I often go along with way too much out of fear that I'll upset people if I don't.

    My therapist says it's a lack of self worth, which is useful for being analytical and improving where you need it, but not good in terms of self loathing and confidence.