Should I be feeling this as well??

New here & reading through many of the posts, I see that a lot of people are

- worried about not fitting in
- worried how people see them
- feeling not good enough
- worried about being accepted by others
And so much more

Should I be worried that I don't feel any of these things? I see a lot of emotional heartache & sadness caused by these concerns. There are so many posts that I am beginning to think, should I have picked up on the fact that I do not feel these things myself sooner?
It doesn't upset me that I have missed this. I feel more curious as to why, & why I don't feel this way & wondering if I should be. 
I won't be addressing it as I don't see it as a problem to be solved, or something I should try to alter. This is who I am & I accept it. It also doesn't mean that I don't feel concerned for the hurt these things are causing others or feel empathy.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

  • When I was a kid I didn't have any of the worries about being different that i have had since then, about 12 or 13 years old it all kicked in with the social nightmare they call high school.

    While I was ignorant before of how much I could be seen as  arrogant etc, a bit of that now would feel better than self hate.

    So if I were you don't worry about these things, it's not good to worry and only makes us feel rubbish about ourselves.

  • When I was a kid I didn't have any of the worries about being different that i have had since then, about 12 or 13 years old it all kicked in with the social nightmare they call high school.

    While I was ignorant before of how much I could be seen as  arrogant etc, a bit of that now would feel better than self hate.

    So if I were you don't worry about these things, it's not good to worry and only makes us feel rubbish about ourselves.

  • Do I come across as arrogant also? I don't feel it or intend to be that way.
    I just see things as facts, many or which I cannot change. So I accept & move forward to get the best out of what has happened or is happening. 

    My question above was not out of worry. Just realising the different between myself & many others peeked my interest/curiosity.

    I hope you can find some peace in your mind Autisician. 

    Feel free to PM me if you'd ever like to chat. Hugging