In tears at NAS

I am so upset, 

I am in a terrible situation, I live in a flat and next door are drug sellers (and users) they have had knives in the close, they have thrown a metal crutch out of the window and they are always loitering in the close. 

I have called police on lots of occasions: the neighbours are arrested and kept in jail for up to a week or so and then are let free. I have complained over five years to the housing, I cant get out my flat much due to them as they are intimidating and horrible. Sometimes there are lots of men in the close. my housing wont help. 

I attended a NAS meeting near me once, and could not get to other meetings due to the neighbours behaviours. There is a housing I could get if I proved that I attended support NAS meetings by getting a letter from NAS but it is a catch 22 NAS will not give me the letter unless I attend more meetings. 

I told the lady at nas that i had been abused once by a man years ago and that I cant go private rent as I have visual stress and need to decorate in a nice way. She was very cold and ended up ghosting me. She did not even say she was sorry to hear about everything I was going through and I feel I was tossed aside by her. I felt that they did not know how to converse with autistic people. 

[Image removed by moderation team as it identified another person] 

  • I cant even go out to do my special interest in singing. 

  • That is a surprisingly curt response from someone dealing (hopefully usually more tactfully!) with autistic and vulnerable people every day. I suppose the only thing you can do now is go to a further meeting to show recent activity on that front, but as you've been essentially a prisoner in your own home and it probably took a lot to even cross the door and make it to the meeting first time around... well, no offence meant to the NAS workers and volunteers but... why not be a little more understanding and flexible? It's not like you're asking for the moon on a stick, just a letter of support to assist in a high-stress situation. I'm disappointed with NAS on this one, despite how much I value this place. Not good. 

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  • I do hope that you can settle yourself, and be part of this community in a caring and nice way, and that you should stop this and be kind to others. You deserve to be happy in a nice way, whatever has happened to you in the past I sympathise with you. I sympathise that it has lead you to be so unkind to others and to take on different usernames. You deserve to be calm and happy and be friendly with everyone. I wish you well, I recommend you seek counselling to help you see what you are doing is wrong and to help you build a better happier you. You deserve to be happy. I do hope that you calm down. okay.

  • Not sure, Mr T. but one thing I can confirm is that the OP message is not a scam. I can't say how I know that, but hopefully I'm trusted enough by most on here to be believed when I say that her report of the above treatment is not faked or exaggerated. Most unfortunate and can hopefully be resolved with a touch more class and humanity (which to be fair is way more typical of NAS' usual good conduct and spirit of true advocacy). 

  • Most people on here are nice. It is sadly like all social media you get someone who bullies etc, but I feel sympathy for them as they might have a mental health condition. bet to ignore them and focus on those that are supporting each other on here. :-) 

  • what pleasure do these kind of people get from this. I come here for support, understanding and to share my limited knowledge. Make me not want to bother.

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  • Most people on here are nice. It is sadly like all social media you get someone who bullies etc, but I feel sympathy for them as they might have a mental health condition. bet to ignore them and focus on those that are supporting each other on here. :-)