Horrible World

Dear All

Just diagnosed with Autism in my 50s it has explained a lot about me.

i have had the most hideous experience with neighbours doing things that aggravate my condition does any e else have similar issues?

  • Not my current neighbours no, but in my old place yes! Problem behaviour from each of the three other flats in my block of four. The most persistently problematic though was from a guy who was also autistic (I was not at that stage diagnosed and have fewer obvious tells, thanks to exhausting levels of compulsive masking) and who’s behaviour  was therefore difficult to moderate with a good balance between assertiveness and sensitivity. I’m so glad to have quiet low key neighbours now 

  • I was a similar 'Neighbour from Hell' back whenever I was in Dun Laoghaire; during placement year, twenty-five years ago.

    I learned the hard way, as we all do.

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