Horrible World

Dear All

Just diagnosed with Autism in my 50s it has explained a lot about me.

i have had the most hideous experience with neighbours doing things that aggravate my condition does any e else have similar issues?

  • Hello Desmond,

    Yes the new CPW  a money making scheme for the council to get from the mentally ill very nice!

    Hope you are well a thought for today .

    Why do businesses bank or respond very slowly to emails then complain that i am obsessional when i chase.I have started explaining I am autistic as long as I get communication  I am cool!

    As for councils say no  more! 

  • if only my biggest bug bear is when I am reading quietly in a cafe and someone is having a loud mobile conversation !

  • Neighbours are friendly but it appears that a lot of things they do come with noise when I want to relax. 

  • Yeah, I really can't understand why people can't be more polite and have more consideration.

    Why let doors slam when you could just close them properly? Why play music loud when you can still hear it at a quiet level, or wear headphones? Why cook such awful smelling food when you live in a block of flats, in close proximity to several other households?

    The flat we live in now is not as bad as some places we've lived, thankfully. One block we were in had a nightclub behind it (didn't know that until after we moved in) which stopped me sleeping due to the bass reverberating through our building. I complained to the council and got a reply that they had sent someone out one night to check noise levels, but they couldn't hear anything! Then a year after moving out, I got an e-mail from the council asking if there was still any noise nuisance!

    I'm not well off so I can't afford a house, let alone a house miles away from people - living in a flat isn't easy for us.

    Maybe we need to have Autistic villages where we can have quiet blocks of flats that we can can feel comfortable in? Although I know some neurotypical people that aren't keen on lots of noise either, so perhaps we shouldn't exclude them and just have a "quiet village" which is run like a library!

  • Got it.  Thanks.

  • Spot on mate Autistic people get handed these like smarties 

  • Indeed basically you are correct the old ASBO and interesting popped with Autism and mental health get handed these out disproportionately.

    There is also so much prejudice people seem to think I can change and turn my feelings on and off.

    My view Autism is me and the people that matter love the person I am so my message is be proud everyone.

  • Thanks for saving me the trouble.

  • I was a similar 'Neighbour from Hell' back whenever I was in Dun Laoghaire; during placement year, twenty-five years ago.

    I learned the hard way, as we all do.

  • I had to look up what a CPW is.

    Basically, an ASBO. Angry

  • Well hear is the thing the Council actually gave me a CPW recently as the neighbours turned on me and say I harass them asking them to not block our entrance and these other activities.Am appealing to Council as now I have Autism diagnosis this backs up that i have been treated appallingly with no reasonable adjustments.

    These CPWS are commonly given to the mentally ill as have found out from forums nice eh!

  • In my experience councils don't care and are useless. I complained about the noise problems with my neighbour (loud banging and shouting every night from 6pm until 2am) and the council did nothing. Living next door to those people for a year and a half was one of the worst periods of my life. The council's main goal seemed to be finding ways to avoid doing anything about it.

    I had some minor problems with rubbish as well. I regularly had my bin stolen or the neighbour putting stuff in my bin so I couldn't use it myself.

    Also some people burnt rubbish. Who does that? I didn't know it was a thing, but I couldn't stand the smell of it. There should be a law against incinerating rubbish in your back garden. That's another thing which has just never happened since moving away from the city.

    Back then I did not have an autism diagnosis, maybe if I did I could have fought for myself better.

  • pleased for you yes I am less obvious too but am sensitive to light the environment and noise.I would say my classic masking is in a business setting can put on a suit and sell but when in leisure and dealing with everyday life struggle

  • sound bliss mate with my neighbours they deliberately overule outside lights and make excessive noise and pile up rubbish and items against our gable wall.Hopefully now I am diagnosed they will make reasonable adjustments.They have even caused me bother with the council

  • Neighbours have been the bane of my existence for most of my life, which is why my dream has always been to have no neighbours (I'll need a lot more money if that's ever to happen!)

    At everywhere I previously lived I suffered with noise and smells from neighbours a lot, and in my last place it was intolerable, which is what led me to move to where I am now.

    I've actually been happy here for the first time in my life. It's also the first time in a long time not being depressed - living situation makes such a huge difference to my quality of life, particularly when I spend most of my time at home.

    I live in a detached house in a small quiet town next to open moorland, and the neighbours respect my privacy. I have never had any problems with noise here so far. They will say hello to me over the fence but basically leave me alone.

  • Not my current neighbours no, but in my old place yes! Problem behaviour from each of the three other flats in my block of four. The most persistently problematic though was from a guy who was also autistic (I was not at that stage diagnosed and have fewer obvious tells, thanks to exhausting levels of compulsive masking) and who’s behaviour  was therefore difficult to moderate with a good balance between assertiveness and sensitivity. I’m so glad to have quiet low key neighbours now