What do people like doing in the sun?

As the weather getting warmer here a fun discussion for you guys. What do you like doing in the warm sunny weather? Me I love going for walks eating ice cream or sitting in a beer garden with my dog. Over to you guys now what do you like doing in the warm sunny weather?

  • Hiding! I don't get on with warm weather anything hotter than 23.C and I'm totally incapcitated. I find it difficult to breathe, digest, swallow, I sweat buckets and can't stay hydrated, I come out in rashes, I can't sleep and I can't eat iccream due to dairy allergies. I can get dairy free ice creams, but they're not all that nice, are expensive and often contain coconut fat which I also seem to not get on with. Oh and I don't drink alcohol either.

  • how about iced lemonade or iced tea? They can be refreshing on hot days.

Reply Children
  • I'm finding I can't have fizzy drinks anymore

    For the lemonade I use lemon juice, water and something to sweeten it with (sweetener or honey) - you can keep the bits of lemon in the mix if you like the odd little sharpness to go with the sweetness of the drink.

    100% natural and not entirely bad for you (apart from the natural sugars with honey).

  • I'm finding I can't have fizzy drinks anymore as it upsets what I think is diverticulitis. Iced tea is one of the most disgusting drinks on the planet, I'm not a fan of tea at the best of times but iced, yuk and it's sweet.