What do people like doing in the sun?

As the weather getting warmer here a fun discussion for you guys. What do you like doing in the warm sunny weather? Me I love going for walks eating ice cream or sitting in a beer garden with my dog. Over to you guys now what do you like doing in the warm sunny weather?

  • Hiding! I don't get on with warm weather anything hotter than 23.C and I'm totally incapcitated. I find it difficult to breathe, digest, swallow, I sweat buckets and can't stay hydrated, I come out in rashes, I can't sleep and I can't eat iccream due to dairy allergies. I can get dairy free ice creams, but they're not all that nice, are expensive and often contain coconut fat which I also seem to not get on with. Oh and I don't drink alcohol either.

  • Hiding! I don't get on with warm weather anything hotter than 23.C and I'm totally incapcitated. I find it difficult to breathe, digest, swallow, I sweat buckets and can't stay hydrated, I come out in rashes, I can't sleep and I can't eat iccream due to dairy allergies. I can get dairy free ice creams, but they're not all that nice, are expensive and often contain coconut fat which I also seem to not get on with. Oh and I don't drink alcohol either.

  • Do you like sorbet? If it's very hot I prefer that to ice cream. It does sometimes have dairy so you have to check ingredients, but you can make your own. 

    In a heatwave I freeze a plastic beaker 3/4 full of water, then top it up with water to drink until all the ice has melted, by which time the next one has frozen. Also the condensation is nice and cool to wipe on hot skin. I also find wet linen tea towels are nice to cool off with, or even just wearing wet clothes if desperate!

  • how about iced lemonade or iced tea? They can be refreshing on hot days.