Not eating when stressed or angry

I'm in my mid 20s, and I started doing this when I was 13.

Quite often, if I'm stressed or angry, I'll skip meals because I just won't feel like it. If I've screwed up, I'll punish myself by not eating.

If I'm angry with someone, my way of sticking it to them is to not eat. It's kind of me being spiteful, like "that person is angry with me therefore I'll hurt myself". 

There's probably little logic to it (!) but for me, it's a form of taking back some control.

  • I'm really sorry you're going through this HMO.

    This is something I used to do to myself and in the past I also would punish myself if I did something I felt was wrong, such as not eating and drinking. Drinking was usually what I'd sacrifice as a form of punishment.

    It's a form of self harm and I ended up going to the GP about it and was referred to a therapist but lain is completely right, doing other things as a punishment like putting the hoover round, doing gardening, any chore you would normally find punishing. It still feels like a punishment but it doesn't physically harm you and that's a good thing.

    Also, important to remember, you don't really deserve to be punished for doing something wrong. Try to remind yourself of that. I'm still not great at remembering it for myself but it's something I'm trying to improve on.

  • It's a sense of wanting to get ahead of others. Punishing myself so no one else can.

    I already see a therapist so I'm not sure what my GP can do.

    I'm glad you're in a better place. Slight smile

  • It's a sense of wanting to get ahead of others. Punishing myself so no one else can.

    I already see a therapist so I'm not sure what my GP can do.

    I'm glad you're in a better place. Slight smile

  • I appreciate that. It's annoying that this place doesn't notify me via email or anything when someone responds. Neutral face

    It used to, and all the right boxes are ticked, but not anymore. 

  • You're welcome. Happy to listen anytime, I know only too well how much it means when people care and are willing to hear you out.Blush

  • Thank you, I hope so. I appreciate that there's people here willing to listen. 

  • It still feels very dead-end though.

    With help from your therapist this should change. When I first started therapy I felt like I was trapped in a dark room and I couldn't see a way out but in the end things got brighter with my therapists help. I hope it will be the same for you.

  • It's better than nothing. It still feels very dead-end though.

  • I'm glad you have that for support. It means you're not in it alone and that's what counts. Brighter days are ahead and I'm sure she can help you reach them Slight smile

  • That's exactly how I feel about my therapist. Sometimes I think of her as like a maternal figure too, and sometimes it just helps to have that.

  • Yeah, I need a mannequin to punch or something...

    Lol I think I could do with one too Stuck out tongue winking eye  

    I really do hope things will change for the better for you soon. Your therapist sounds amazing and I'm sure given time she can help you work through this. 

    My old therapist was brill I often thought of her as my friend and that helped a lot, just the thought of having a friend who understood.

    I hope you have that. Thank you for always being so kind.

    You're very welcome Blush

  • Yeah, I need a mannequin to punch or something... it's getting worse, not better, but what I believe to be real event OCD is not helping either.

    I wish my therapist was my friend because I get along with her better than actual friends I had... but obviously that'll never be possible.

    I hope you have that. Thank you for always being so kind. Slight smile

  • You should get yourself a stress ball which you can squeeze or throw to let your frustrations out on :P that way you remain unharmed and safe. I have a stress ball...but I can’t remember what I did with it lol Laughing

    Thankfully I can speak to her verbally but that's only because she's the only person on the planet who isn't judging me.

    That's so wonderful and positive to hear! It makes such a difference having someone in your life who doesn't judge you. I'm hoping the next therapist I get will be the same.

    I hope today will be a good day for you. Sending positive vibes Slight smile

  • Yeah, I've spiralled a bit more this weekend where I've just felt like taking things out on other things.

    Thankfully I can speak to her verbally but that's only because she's the only person on the planet who isn't judging me.

    Thank you. Slight smile

  • I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully though with your therapists help you can get out of this cycle of negativity. I'm glad you have someone you can talk to about things. I've found in the past it makes such a big difference and things can slowly begin to change for the better.

    When I had a therapist before I found I wasn't able to talk to her about everything vocally, so a lot of it I wrote down as I found it easier. I personally find expressing myself and how I'm feeling through writing a lot easier than vocally.

    I really hope things improve for you soon Slight smile

  • Thank you. It has been difficult because I've been completely on my own this last year. Partly through choice though. It did feel like the thing I did cancelled out any positive thing I did. 

    I have spoken about it briefly with my therapist. I don't think I have gone in as much detail, though I have spoken about not being able to control my anger sometimes and feeling a loss of control.

  • I'm sorry people punished you before. That's terrible and they were wrong to do so. No one should be punished for making a mistake.

    You are strong enough. it's easy to focus on the negatives but don't let your mind and those thoughts block out the good things you've done. The mind is so self destructive but no matter what it tells you there's no way you deserve to be treated in this way.

    Does your therapist know about this? If not, it might be worth trying to say about it. He or she might be able to help your address.

    Try to be kind to yourself. You deserve kindness.

    I'm glad you're in a better place.

    Thank you, you're so kind. Blush