Burnout causing physical illness

Is actual physical illness resulting from autistic burnout and overwhelm a real thing?

Every time I start a new job, I come down with illness within a couple of weeks, usually a viral type thing, fever, shivering, chest pains, sickness, that sort of things. 

I always get very overwhelmed starting a new job and experience severe crashes. Last few jobs I have taken on while battling a pretty severe burnout

I know stress can make you ill but overwhelm and burnout causing actual physical illnesses and virus is different. Maybe its cos my immune system is down from the destress I am experiencing? 

It would be really helpful to hear from other people who may have had similar experiences 

  • I'm sorry you've been feeling burnt out. Burnout is absolutely horrific and it can make you feel like you're suffering from the flu or some kind of virus. I was burnt out during a mental breakdown and I felt really rough - I really thought I had the flu. I ached all over, I was giddy, abdominal pain, nausea, headaches and the worst fatigue I've ever had.

    Rest is what you need. Rest when you can and don't do too much. Look after yourself x.

  • I have been ill nearly all year. Think it is stress related and possibly burn out. 

  • I think it is. I have had similar experiences where I was so exhausted and burnt out, I thought I had the flu but it was utter exhaustion. I also think I get sick more often when burnt out, maybe I am more susceptible then... and the biggest one for me is that my IBS flares up and I loose weight when I am depressed and burntout... 

    I'm not an expert at all in this field but I had a quick google and there seems to be a link between stress and the immune system. Here is one such recent study: Brain motor and fear circuits regulate leukocytes during acute stress | Nature 

  • It’s a possibility. I haven’t ever really noticed if I get physically ill due to burnout but I’ve felt like I have wanted to be physically ill when I’m burnt out but I haven’t caught anything so don’t know if that counts or not…

  • Yes I think so. When you're in burnout you're low and your feeling low your immune system isn't at its best so you are more likely to get ill unfortunately.

    Plus starting a new job with new people and a new environment means you're exposed to new germs as well, so you'll always be more likely to get sick when starting a new job.

    When I get burnout I usually get flu like symptoms. It can be really horrible and takes a long time to get over. I'll usually have to endure cough, dizziness, nausea, upset stomach and headaches. 

    Last few jobs I have taken on while battling a pretty severe burnout

    This is definitely a problem. It sounds like you've had/got a lot going on and as you're in burnout you're struggling more and more.

    You need to try and rest, give yourself time to recover.

    That's the best medicine for burnout, rest and sleep, otherwise you'll keep crashing down. I do hope things improve for you.

  • When I came off a fairly intense job, I felt like my functioning ability had reduced. Even on that job I found myself passing out on at least one occasion. 

  • I think it is. When I crash the first symptom is utter exhaustion but then often get cold like symptoms and the only solution is complete rest. I suppose if your body is completely out of energy that weakens your immune system and makes you prey to any opportunistic bugs.