Food is worth investing in

I have a sensitive stomach and this isn't that unusual among Autistic people. I've found many brands of rice I don't react to well to. I asked myself why is one particular premium brand so expensive? So I cooked it and it definitely tastes better and there were no "bad" grains of rice that didn't cook. Clearly the quality control is better with this company. I also did a bit of research and found out that where rice is grown and produced some people involved in the process mix in different kinds of rice which look similar to cut back on costs. It's very hard to detect it. However the premium brand of rice I've switched to has more stringent control over its suppliers and more oversight. That's what accounts in part for the higher price.

Just a little tidbit on one of my special interests, nutrition.

  • I'm not a fan of brown rice, if someone gave it to me I'd eat it, but it's not what I choose. I do agree about certain varieties being better quality than others, I usually get Lidls basmatti, its as good as the more expensive ones, but cheaper.

    I have lots of food allergies and intollerances, I used to work in a wholefood shop and learned loads about difficult diets and supplements and stuff. I'm dairy intollerant, but thats quite natural, humans and our pets are the only creatures who routinely drink milk after infancy and our bodies can spontaeously wean. I can't digest meat either, it gives me incredibly painful colic and can take up to a fortnight to pass. Bananas and I have a mutual dislike and coconut oil which is a common alternative to animal fats in things like pastry and dairy substitutes has the same effect on me as meat.

    One of the things I learnt was how bad most bread is, not because of gluten or wheat intollerance, but because of how it's made. Traditional bread takes quite a while with lots of kneeding, resting and proving, this allows the gluten to become more digestable, shop bought bread on the other hand is artificially blown up and dosen't allow for the gluten to become more digestable. I noticed this when I was working in a meditation and retreat centre where wwe bakjed all our own bread, people who said they were allergic to bread, would smell our bread fresh from the oven and would sit down and demolish half a loaf. They would tell us after that they suffered no ill effects from our home made bread. I find I get bloating if I eat shop bread, but not home made bread, I now bake all my bread in a bread machine.

    There are things you can eat and rdrink to improve gut health, such as fermented foods like saurkraut and kimchi, drinks like kombucha and of course proper beer, real ale, properly brewed and alive with fermentation products, now theres an excuse to go to the pub!

  • I generally eat brown rice and pasta. I find now my mental health is much calmer, I eat less junk food but am still partial to a biscuit or five. I have to say, it's more noticeable now how  sugar in certain foods affect me, and white bread. I can't buy it because I end up eating toast for fun. I think getting a better diet is a gradual process and because of that it's become normal part of my life now. Although i havent completely cut them out, I think processed foods account for a lot of problems. 

  • I am finding strategies.

  • I use a steamer. Cook a large crock of it and store for scooping daily amounts out ino steamer. Such rituals we have around food!

  • Basmati is my favourite too. I like the wholegrain from this one particular brand. Another thing I don't know if you know but if you cook rice, refrigerate it, then eat it cold or reheat it by boiling in water again, it's more easy to digest. Bon appetite.

  • Yep, it's terrible people do not always have the budget for healthy food. That's a sign of a sick society.

  • I have a sensitive stomach and frequently suffering with gastrointestinal discomfort, usually made worse by stress and what I eat. Though some days it's just bad anyway. No reason for it a lot of the time, it just happens. But eating certain foods and drinks can help ease my stomach a lot of the time - like I cut out caffeine completely, only really drink water and tea. Rice is good but it has to be the right kind for me too. I try to avoid spicy and fatty foods, both are no good for me.

    A while ago I had anorexia but I'm more less over this now. I just wish I could eat without being in loads of pain afterwards, it's really off putting. Rice is normally a safe bet for me though, it's kind to the stomach usually.

  • I always use basmati rice, as recommended to me long ago by an Indian work colleague. He had grown up in poverty in his home country where, he assured me, they know about rice.  As I rather dislike potatoes, I cook basmati several times a times.

    Bon appetite.


  • Foods, herbs and supplements are also one of my special interests. Medicinal nutrition, especially.

  • I'm pretty sensitive too and I get this. I get sick unless the peanuts are organic, I mean really organic, for example, and only get the short, whole grain organic rice from the health food store bulk bins. Recently I've fallen into some financial straights and have to economize. That is proving tough. Food is an investment!