Another hit piece by the media "millions paid benefits without ever having to find a job"

It's an election year and I get it we are an easy target, an easy cost cutting measure and to the average person who sees us getting to stay at home or receive help when they have to work, its an easy rallying cry. "we'll save you money, lower your taxes and all you have to do is forget about a certain part of society who are just sponging of your money anyway".

My disability review is coming up and I have no idea how that will go, it terrifies me, knowing someone on the end of a phone is going to decide whether or not I get to continue surviving and have some ability to continue.

I did a vlog about it here. its too long, its rambling, its 2:40am because that is the time my brain said I should wake up.

Warning this may trigger some people.

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  • cummings was a liar and fraud. he had nothing to do with brexit nor did the tory party.... brexit was a thing to screw the tory party enacted by disgruntled northern red wall areas..... the tories were remain campaign..... the tories were against brexit.... cummings was against it.... boris was against it.... its only when they lost they had to adopt it and then try to rush to claim they was for it and smear labour as against it due to their wall sitting but labour wall sat because labour WAS the brexit party and corbyn WAS the first brexiteer its just that they didnt want it at that time, it was inconvenient for labour at the time as they wanted it to carry on to harm the tories in a election first not be resolved before elections.

    the the tories brought dom cummings and claimed he was behind it to try appropriate it and boris came out as if he was a brexiteer when he wasnt... and you all willingly fell for these lies as you wanted to blame the tories for a labour idea you didnt like....

    do you know corbyn and labour were also formenting isolationism ideas so badly that it goes as deep as him wanting us to leave nato too? ... he wanted us isolated that much.... now i agree with isolation as much as a split from the eu but a split from nato i believe would be suicide and leave us open to invasion without anyone defending us or caring.

    but yeah, cummings was nothing, a puppet... a unknown person who did nothing and wasnt known until the tories had to appropriate brexit and make lies up then suddenly they bring out that clown and claim hes the true nigel farage, when we all k now nigel farage is nigel farage.... dom cummings isnt farage.

  • erm... you might wanna change that because you specifically state england for walking over the irish.... do you know it was the scottish part that had us take and conquer ireland and why we still hold northern ireland because the scotts claim to be from a irish tribe called the scots from northern ireland so they identified northern ireland as their ancestral home and thus their territory so they are the ones that used this union to take ireland which they had a claim on as their property... this is where the hate on england in particular destroys historical truth and we gets a unfair blame.

    the *** we stole from greece? ... the elgin marbles.... why is it called the elgin marbles? ... its named after the lord that stole them... it was a scottish lord.... i can go on forever and correct the blame and we will find england is getting it all unfairly when its not even all them.

    england wants to shut itself from the world now, because we have been drilled in that our empire was bad, and thus migration is bad as that was colonialism and its good to stay to your home otherwise your a evil colonialist stealing from other people... england has learned from its empire and the criticisms and the people of england now dont want any part of global empires. we want to be shut off... we dont wanna be put through that by others like scotland or france or germany and them do that for us while we get all the blame.... sod that, if they wanna do global horrible stuff they can take the blame this time, we wanna keep ourselves to oursleves.

  • I also tried to understand Brexit and the English mentality.  Remember, Dominic Cummings one of the architects of Brexit.  He travelled to Barnard Castle during the lockdown.  I presume it's his "Safe space".  A couple of years later I visited Barnard castle.  It's a market town, with a castle, full of white country people, antique shops, no industry.

  • Yeh it’s a joke. This is why England is one of my least favourite countries. No offence to any English people on here. It’s not you, some English people are really nice it’s just the whole culture I can’t stand. The culture of walking over other countries like Ireland for example. And the leadership who marginalises people less fortunate. I feel like in England upper class people look down upon lower class people. Then with brexit and England shitting down public toilets it’s like England wants to go back to the 1800s or something I don’t get it. Why does England want to shut itself off from the rest of the world?

  • My personal experience.  

    I look for work, I get interviews.  I'm told at interviews that I'm unemployable, "go away".

    I get a job, within a few days the employer decides that they've made a mistake taking me on and they try all sorts of ways to get rid of me.

    Job centre insists that I'm 100% healthy and employable so I should make a bigger effort to find work.
