Another hit piece by the media "millions paid benefits without ever having to find a job"

It's an election year and I get it we are an easy target, an easy cost cutting measure and to the average person who sees us getting to stay at home or receive help when they have to work, its an easy rallying cry. "we'll save you money, lower your taxes and all you have to do is forget about a certain part of society who are just sponging of your money anyway".

My disability review is coming up and I have no idea how that will go, it terrifies me, knowing someone on the end of a phone is going to decide whether or not I get to continue surviving and have some ability to continue.

I did a vlog about it here. its too long, its rambling, its 2:40am because that is the time my brain said I should wake up.

Warning this may trigger some people.

[link removed by moderator]

  • to be fair i think its a healthy thing to question events..... chemtrails i think govs have admitted that they do put chems out from planes like that... but their goal they stated was a good one in that they wanted to patch up the ozone layer hole or something, so it was a good goal, they just felt they didnt need to inform us about it or that wed be against it and not understand but it needed to be done.

    and yeah stuff like 9/11 needs to be questioned alot as there was one tower that collapsed in a strange manner without being touched, even if that tower wasnt a controlled demolition as it looked like, questions still need to be raised about whether its just shoddy cheap construction and whether theres a health and safety breach where the constructors of that tower need to be brought to justice and pay some cost for it and take responsiblity.

    and ofcourse its always wise to question what is in your foods too. not just gm crops but what chemicals they spray on it and whether its harmful for humans to consume.... id say pesticides and chemicals we spray on crops are more of a danger than genetically modifying them.

  • What many people really find unaccepatble about conspiracy theory, of course, are the times when it turns out to be correct

    Well to be fair to a broken clock, it is still right twice a day but I would never consider it a suitable member of the team. ;)

    The tin foil hat reference was that he raised these issues in an interview when your one task is to convince the employer (ie the government) that you are a good match for the skills, the team and the company.

    The fact he was trying to convince us of his theories rather than doing his one task meant he would never be taken seriously - especially as he would likely do the same once in the position and end up disrupting the team and bringing reputational harm to the department.

    You can believe whatever theories you want, but as soon as you try to push them on others you start to become a problem.

    I just hope you were as good at detecting adn weeding out the psychopaths when they appear before you,

    Ah, you mean upper management! I actually did have a shot to get into the upper management once in the civil service but the interview process had some very odd elements and questions that I felt quite uncomfortable with and I think I lacked the willingness to sacrefice others to be suitable for the role.

    For the ones I hired, they jest needed to be good little cogs in the big machine (all IT related) but once they were onboard I made sure they got plenty of mentoring to stop them encountering the sorts of issues I faced over the decades in these roles.

    Looking back there were a huge number of autists in IT, especially the support side.

  • Poor guy! Must have been at the ab-initiio statge of learning.. When you ahev a bit of an idea what's going on, if you want to have money, you learn to STFU in the workplace.

    Conspiracy theory 101 that is. 

    If we are truly bonkers, even just thought to be so temporarily, say, during a pandemic, any sub-society tends to wall us off off socially, just as a bilo-organism tends to form a cyst aorund a potentially infectve agent, so the disruption you fear so greatly does not in fact happen.

    What many people really find unaccepatble about conspiracy theory, of course, are the times when it turns out to be correct, and reveals that what you thought you knew about how the world works, is fallacious.

    A fallacy you promote is the tin foil hat. Did your man really wear a tin foil hat to his interview? Or did you just select predjudicial and actually false language to describe that person? "a real tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist"

    At teh end of teh day you can't give the job to eevry aplicant, you had a judgement call to make. I just hope you were as good at detecting adn weeding out the psychopaths when they appear before you, as one of those in your org. can cause real hurt and damage.

  • I'm told at interviews that I'm unemployable, "go away".

    What do you say or do at the interview to get that result?

    I've conducted hundreds of interviews and the only time I had that reaction was a real tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist who kept suggesting the government were behind all sorts of things (9-11, chemtrails, GM food etc) and we had to stick together and get the word out there about it.

    The fact it was a civil service position indirectly working for the government may have skipped their attention, but to have someone like that on the team would lead to so much disruption that there was no way I could even consider them for the role.

  • camoron thought his side would win and wanted to kill the brexit vote before a election as the brexit issue was splitting the tory vote... he thought it was likely too early and to give them a referendum before next elections would take them out of the elections and get the tories full vote without risk of splits. he thought remain would win and brexit hadnt had enough time to grow.... despite the fact brexit has been in our minds longer than the modern iteration and it was infact jeremy corbyn that created the first brexit after the referendum that got us into the eu in the first place in which both jeremy corbyn and labour and the snp were all against joining the eu and created this brexit movement back then.... so yeah, thats kinda funny that the snp backed remain and betrayed their roots on this while jeremy corbyn sat on the fence wanting to really back brexit but yet wanting votes and he didnt believe brexit would have enough winning votes either so he stayed out of it on the fence telling both sides what they thought they wanted to hear to try gain maximum votes... in the end corbyn used the same logic the tories did... main goal of both parties was just focused on getting themselves more votes instead of being true to themselves and facing the issue honestly.

  • If the Tories were against Brexit why did a Tory Prime Minister allow a referendum to go ahead in the first place? He was bullied into it by... Tories. And Boris was one of the most public faces of the Leave campaign (remember his fatuous promise of £350m a week extra for the NHS). If he didn't want it, he had a funny way of playing his hand. 

  • Hello Rosie.

    I trust that the MODS can see that "Quebber" here has zero points, despite having made this OP thread.  I don't believe that a human operator can achieve that status.

    This means that Quebber is AI / Computer generated / bot.

    Are there rules that would allow you to delete Quebber based on that evidence, or does NAS feel that there is nowt wrong with algorithms pretending to be humans in this place.

    Just interested.


  • Reminder of Rule 2:

    This Community forum is public, so do not post personal or identifying details. This includes, but is not limited to, full names, addresses, contact details, social media, or photographs of yourself.  

  • I don’t think it’s fair to hold the British empire against modern day English people (or Scots, Welsh etc - it was the BRITISH empire after all). 

    Do you hate Germans for the 20th century, or the French, Spanish and Belgians for their empires? Or China for what it’s doing right now today?

    Then with brexit and England shitting down public toilets it’s like England wants to go back to the 1800

    Nice typo!

    Worth remembering that only 15 million English people voted for Brexit out of an electorate of 40m and Wales had a Brexit vote majority too.

    Public toilets are history all over the UK not just England.

  • To quote a Jack Dee Joke: "A princess  was in a garden where she heard a toad complaining about how small, ugly and unimportant he was. Taking pity on the toad, the princess granted him a wish. The toad wished for the body of a human being. This was granted, but he still had the head of a toad. The princess, feeling that the wish was incomplete and wanting to make amends, decided to give the toad one more wish. The toad said "I wish I was the leader of UKIP (or insert the current marginal right wing party)", and so he was!"

  • I think you may have misremembered what happened during the Brexit campaign. Dominic Cummings was the chief strategist for the Vote Leave campaign, and Boris Johnson was one if its most prominent supporters. There are plenty of photos of him in front of the Brexit bus!

  • i do see america has a possibility to fracture. as it isnt posed as a true united state but as a collection of "states" that are counted as seperate independant nations forming a federation.... they need to get rid of that autonomy and sense of seperatism and make it into a solidified singular nation or else it will all split apart.

  • traditional labour voters are the northern working class... and they wanted brexit.... while southern middle class labour accused them all of being uneducated racists too thick to vote... this caused true classic labour of the northern working class to abandon labour to the new labour which isnt true labour the southern middle class who were actually historic tory voters but now claim they are labour supremacists always or something when they never was and they are everything we working class hate given they down talk us are snobby about higher education we dont have acccess to and are overly concerned about their holiday homes abroad and put that over the correct governing of this country and the hardships of people that live here.. brexit was to snap them into this country and focus on how bad it is here so we can fix here and stop focusing on their selfish wealthy privileges abroad.

    the traditional labour voters always wanted brexit and they are the ones often accused of being racist and uneducated. it was bad for the labour party to not understand this and betray their core demographic for a southern globalist elite that was always tory affiliated in the past.

  • It was Traditional Labour voters betrayed by that specific party.

  • Exactly.

    The American tail wagging the British dog.

    Now America's obsession with ending colonialism bit them in the @r$e. The Far Left are destroying America's heritage. We warned them this would happen, but they ignored it.

  • The cute got cuter. Sad reality of it.

    Our society is very much poverty-centric. It's all about having so many possessions, because we have to 'Know what poverty is'.

    My gran was ruled by the Pound Sign. Everything was about the Home.

  • I have multiple health problems, both physical and mental.  I also have too many qualifications because when I was struggling to find work and lacked experience I was directed to further training and education.

    I struggle deciding what to be honest about what to lie about and what to miss out on job applications and interviews.

  • It's a nightmare, I find that the forms you have to fill in deceptive, set to deliberately trip you up. When filling in forms I list all my disabilities and write see seperate page, I then write about how my various disabilities gang up on me, including melt down triggers.

    Most employers don't get that not every disabled person is in a wheelchair, they mean well, but they've not got a clue.

    Robert, have you tried turning it back on them and saying you'd love a job, but are struggling to find one and what help and advice  do they have to help someone in your position and with your specific needs? Many government agencies aren't allowed to offer advice unless it's asked for, and you have to be really canny about how you ask, it's a bit of a catch 22 because they're not allowed to offer and if you don't know what to ask for they can't tell you, it leads to all round frustration. It also means that governments can say they've got all this help available and nobodies taking it up so the money gets clawed back and the people whom this help is aimed at never recieve it because nobody tells them about it.

  • I empathise with the posts on this thread - as someone who has had a later in life autism diagnosis in 2021 and has still not had a post-diagnostic assessment to determine my level of autism and any appropriate support required, which should be a basic legal requirement and entitlement, we are still left in limbo, we are forced into a “one size fits all” system, like a “square peg into a round hole” trapped into situations which are totally inappropriate for most of us - it comes from a point-blank refusal of those in positions of power to understand anything about mental health issues and disability and where most of society derides any support for us as hand-holding, they believe and maintain that the only way to manage our autism is by means of ultra strict discipline at every level and in every way, even where this is perceived as abusive and a myth, a misconception - with increased numbers of adults being diagnosed with autism in later life, in the coming years with an elderly autistic population this is going to become a serious problem where most of the better autism support is focused way too much on children, both public and private - this is a situation that must change, as it is a denial of basic human rights - scientific and technological advances do not make up for the failure of attitudes to change, which need to radically change - do we really have to write begging letters to powerful people to get any kind of support? 

  • sigh... its kinda true though but the ones that do it cause this splash back on legit people who need it.

    my sister is perfectly fine and able to get a job, she never got one. she got into a scrounger family of her boyfriends that made her lazy and fed her ideas on how to play the system, she got a council house and kids and made the state pay, her boyfriend stays in bed all day cant be arsed, she no intention to do anything, her kids are getting on now and her scrounger neighbours gave her the idea to lie about her kids being disabled and unable to move to get a free car, and claim shes a carer for free carers, and now she gets more than any worker does and her kid whos not even left school gets 300 a week or something on pip when theres nowt wrong with him and he wants to go out and do stuff but she wants to snuff out his future now so she can keep claiming carers off him..

    so there are alot of people in these areas playing the system wrongly.... and its them which makes you all under suspicion.