Another hit piece by the media "millions paid benefits without ever having to find a job"

It's an election year and I get it we are an easy target, an easy cost cutting measure and to the average person who sees us getting to stay at home or receive help when they have to work, its an easy rallying cry. "we'll save you money, lower your taxes and all you have to do is forget about a certain part of society who are just sponging of your money anyway".

My disability review is coming up and I have no idea how that will go, it terrifies me, knowing someone on the end of a phone is going to decide whether or not I get to continue surviving and have some ability to continue.

I did a vlog about it here. its too long, its rambling, its 2:40am because that is the time my brain said I should wake up.

Warning this may trigger some people.

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  • My personal experience.  

    I look for work, I get interviews.  I'm told at interviews that I'm unemployable, "go away".

    I get a job, within a few days the employer decides that they've made a mistake taking me on and they try all sorts of ways to get rid of me.

    Job centre insists that I'm 100% healthy and employable so I should make a bigger effort to find work.


  • It's a nightmare, I find that the forms you have to fill in deceptive, set to deliberately trip you up. When filling in forms I list all my disabilities and write see seperate page, I then write about how my various disabilities gang up on me, including melt down triggers.

    Most employers don't get that not every disabled person is in a wheelchair, they mean well, but they've not got a clue.

    Robert, have you tried turning it back on them and saying you'd love a job, but are struggling to find one and what help and advice  do they have to help someone in your position and with your specific needs? Many government agencies aren't allowed to offer advice unless it's asked for, and you have to be really canny about how you ask, it's a bit of a catch 22 because they're not allowed to offer and if you don't know what to ask for they can't tell you, it leads to all round frustration. It also means that governments can say they've got all this help available and nobodies taking it up so the money gets clawed back and the people whom this help is aimed at never recieve it because nobody tells them about it.

  • I have multiple health problems, both physical and mental.  I also have too many qualifications because when I was struggling to find work and lacked experience I was directed to further training and education.

    I struggle deciding what to be honest about what to lie about and what to miss out on job applications and interviews.

  • I have multiple health problems, both physical and mental.  I also have too many qualifications because when I was struggling to find work and lacked experience I was directed to further training and education.

    I struggle deciding what to be honest about what to lie about and what to miss out on job applications and interviews.

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