Hyper Focus

On Friday, trying to complete a very involved application, I hyperfocused from 10am-10pm to complete it.

But then yesterday (Saturday) I had a brutal migraine and diarrhea all day.

Has anyone experienced this sort of bodily response after using their hyperfocus ability all day?

  • also drinking water helps. one must pee!

  • I am still struggling with that, diet has an effect. After having three consecutive days of migraines, while eating a lot of aniseed balls, I found that aniseed can affect serotonin levels. Sunlight, vitamin D, exercise, and foods rich in tryptophan can all boost serotonin levels. I am unsure whether it is high levels of serotonin, or just sudden changes in serotonin concentration that trigger my migraine attacks. 

  • I struggle notice when I'm in that state

    How about setting alarms at 2 hour intervals as a matter or routine to force you into a new routine - you can't just ignore it as the alarm needs to be silenced.

  • Thats a good idea.

    However, I struggle notice when I'm in that state because it feels all consuming and before I know it hours have passed and I'm shattered

  • Thats Very interesting, I wonder how one might regulate serotonin in that case?

  • yea. I started setting alarms for long projects and it stopped. The alarm has to be in the next room so one must get up and refocus in the middle distance and move the legs. Shift the ole' stiff gears.

  • That’s interesting. I’ve always thought my ability to hyperfocus was a strength but it does indeed give me low mood and fatigue. Have done about 4 hours work today and I should be feeling accomplishment…. But instead I’m grumpy and tired. 

  • Has anyone experienced this sort of bodily response after using their hyperfocus ability all day?

    I get this when I do long distance driving (ie more than 8 hours) as I tend to hyperfocus on the roads, the car instruments, other cars and the environment (eg dogs or kids running into the road).

    I found it was often related to the constand changes in focus that caused the headaches plus the relative lack of change in posture. More frequent breaks help a lot but I tend to get into the zone and passangers can snooze while being whisked off to another country.

    I suppose I could get an electric car and spend my time with range anxiety instead I suppose...

  • Not those specific symptoms, but short periods of hyper focus are how I get through my job. I can sometimes sustain the hyper focus for a few days.

    But the cost is extreme tiredness, inability to do anything, low mood and sometimes cold-like symptoms for days afterwards.

  • It could be feelings of stress while hyperfocusing that triggered the migraine. I know mine are triggered by changes in serotonin levels; when on sertraline for depression, I had daily migraines. Serotonin is also affected by stress and most of this neurotransmitter is produced in the gut. This could account for your other symptom.

  • Yes, I hope you feel better now. I didn’t realise there could be such implications of hyper focus.

  • I ate lunch whilst working and knew I was overdoing it, just didn't expect such a brutal Saturday to follow

  • Has anyone experienced this sort of bodily response after using their hyperfocus ability all day?

    No, but it can be quite exhausting to utilise that intensity of focus.

     I have never been able to hyper focus for 12 hours though, did you set reminders to eat and drink during this time?

     I hope you feel better now!