Hyper Focus

On Friday, trying to complete a very involved application, I hyperfocused from 10am-10pm to complete it.

But then yesterday (Saturday) I had a brutal migraine and diarrhea all day.

Has anyone experienced this sort of bodily response after using their hyperfocus ability all day?

  • It could be feelings of stress while hyperfocusing that triggered the migraine. I know mine are triggered by changes in serotonin levels; when on sertraline for depression, I had daily migraines. Serotonin is also affected by stress and most of this neurotransmitter is produced in the gut. This could account for your other symptom.

  • Thats Very interesting, I wonder how one might regulate serotonin in that case?

Reply Children
  • I am still struggling with that, diet has an effect. After having three consecutive days of migraines, while eating a lot of aniseed balls, I found that aniseed can affect serotonin levels. Sunlight, vitamin D, exercise, and foods rich in tryptophan can all boost serotonin levels. I am unsure whether it is high levels of serotonin, or just sudden changes in serotonin concentration that trigger my migraine attacks.