I was unfairly banned from many pubs/bars

All I did was walk up to people and chat to them in a friendly way. I thought that was the point of these places? But apparently some people only want to go to them to socialise with people they already know. Well, I have less sympathy than I used to for the struggles of pubs and bars.

  • I suspect we could wax lyrical on this for a while.... but discretion is the better part of valor.

    As with all muppets and puppets, trolls and dolls, fantasy characters and super heroes .... I don't find them fun to play with ....because they are a bit weird, fake and creepy.

    This digital ether seems ideally suited to imperious fools because they can behave like asshats with impunity ...... and many seem to derive a sense of "biggliness" by doing so ..... or perhaps they are just profoundly sad and lost.  In either instance, engagement is futile, so I choose to leave well alone.  Sorry for the false start .... I'll not be venturing into the boggy lands!

  • Punch and the Policeman?

  • Yes it can be unlimited but it’s very unlikely to be. Awards for injury to feelings are rarely  over £10,000 (which is generally the limit for anything on the small claims track)

    I imagine the typical recovery for a lawsuit against a pub might be a few thousand pounds. That might not sound like a lot. But if you’re unemployed & have no savings and are doing all of your own paperwork there’s a good chance you won’t have to pay any money to file the case at court provided you fill out the right forms to have your fees waived.

    if it does end up on the small claims track and you don’t use a lawyer your expenses are probably measured in printer ink and bus fare to and from the courthouse.

  • How is a 'public house' not public? To quote, "Operators of pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels need to be aware of the obligations of the Equality Act, which requires equality of access to their services for disabled people." This includes mental as well as physical disabilities. The managers and owners of 'hospitality venues' can be taken to court if they infringe a disabled person's right of access to their facilities and the amount of damages that may be awarded is unlimited.

  • I have just realised that you really took care in choosing an appropriate nom de plume, as you are remarkably judgemental.

  • I think that pubs and bars have changed. It was once a well known place that people go to meet new people and hook up, but now you can get kicked out for doing that. I suppose if there are people in a group, they just want to protect the people they care about in the group, and don't like any strangers approaching their friends or family members and trying to hook up with them, but why would they take the entire group to a pub or bar, instead of a nice restaurant? Don't they know that there's drunk people there and bar fights could happen, and strangers will approach them to hook up, or are pubs and bars treated like a regular restaurant nowadays? I don't go to pubs and bars because I know how the environment will be like. 

  • Then you’re looking at the wrong thing. The poor compliance with the equality act has far more to do with how difficult it is to bring a case in the first place than the merits of the case when it actually gets into court.

    what you should really be looking at is how many cases have been successful versus how many cases have failed.

    cases have been brought successfully against pubs for not having wheelchair access. I can actually give you a list of some of some of the key cases brought against people for failing to make reasonable adjustments for autism although it does tend to be more in employment. This is because bringing a case to court in employment law is just a lot easier with the way the system is set up not because the cases are somehow more likely to succeed in employment as opposed to services.

  • I thought one of the purposes of this forum was for we aliens to share our learnings about the humans and their rules.

    why you reply to my posts after wishing that everyone in the forum had the epiphany of not speaking with me again? Please shut up

  • Again, you cannot tell your fantasy world from the real world. In theory, it should be like that. In practice, it's not. If you do not believe  me, try to ask Pathfinder in this thread. He is more attuned to the real world than you.

    As a homework, do a census of your local pubs and see how many of them have effective wheelchair access. You will be surprised. 

  • You know who else probably hasn't worked in a bar? a county court judge deciding a discrimination lawsuit. The law does not give a free pass to bussnesses just because equality law is inconvenient or they don't understand it or thats not the way things are usually done. The civil law is a rod for beating those who don't care about the law into complience. As the pholosopher said good men don't need rules. These laws were writen with the understanding that they would have to be used to make busnesses do things that hurt their busness interests.

  • speaking with you is like speaking with an alien with a vague idea of how Earth society works.

    TBH I feel like this about everyone. I thought one of the purposes of this forum was for we aliens to share our learnings about the humans and their rules.

  • LOL Peter, you remind me of myself when I was still young an naive. I used to live in my little own world too, until my "less supportive" environment forced me to adapt. ASD people live in their own little world, just like the Little Prince!

    BTW, you never worked in a pub or a drinking establishment. Those places work in a completely different way. As usual, speaking with you is like speaking with an alien with a vague idea of how Earth society works. A rather intelligent alien, but an alien.

  • Roswell, think logically on this one. What you're describing there will come across as creepy for people. They're just there to chat to friends/family and don't want some random bloke approaching them.

    Join meetups.com and go to organised events and introduce yourself at those. 

  • I quite often go to my local on my own.  Some people know I'm autistic, some don't.  Generally, I sit in the same spot with my loops or headphones in on my phone, it gets me out of the house.  Personally, I keep myself to myself most of the time, occasionally other people chat to me and I have been asked about my loops which has led to a couple of interesting conversations where those people had autistic people in their families.  I'll very rarely chip in to someone else's conversation, possibly if they're struggling with a crossword clue or question where I know the answer along the lines of 'sorry, couldn't help overhearing the answer is XXX' a bit like Peter said.

    Whilst, you might think you are being friendly and mostly harmless, it sounds like other people aren't taking it in that way.  Certainly if you plonked yourself down on my table or started trying to talk to me about something I didn't want to talk about, I'd get a bit irritated/stressed and eventually ask you to leave me alone.  So flip it round and consider if you were having a conversation with a friend or sat there contemplating the world and a random started chipping in, mithering, how you would feel.

  • Well the equality act says that businesses must make reasonable adjustments to their policies, criteria and practices. So if it is the practice of a bar to throw somebody out who has been going around annoying people who just want to keep to themselves, and it turns out this is autism related, A reasonable adjustment might be giving them a warning first before banning them.

    A reasonable adjustment might be taking extra time to hear both sides of the story and giving the autistic person the benefit of the doubt.

  • No private businesses are still forced to make reasonable adjustments for disabilities, both mobility and autism related disabilities. That’s the law.

  • Thankfully, not everybody here is a level 3 low functioning ASD. There are a few people still able to hold a decent conv.

  • I wish you an epiphany of happiness

    I wish such an epiphany for everyone here Slight smile