I was unfairly banned from many pubs/bars

All I did was walk up to people and chat to them in a friendly way. I thought that was the point of these places? But apparently some people only want to go to them to socialise with people they already know. Well, I have less sympathy than I used to for the struggles of pubs and bars.

  • That's ridiculous. Who advised you to walk up to strangers and chat to them? I have never seen anything like this happen in all my life. Anybody would have told you that you would be kicked out or banned. You should have stopped and reconsidered you actions after the first ban, by the way.

    Thinking about that, the only time I tried to spoke with an NHS therapist, he advised me to "go to a pub, offer a beer to a friendly looking person and start a conversation." I replied with "That's r-word, I would be kicked out for harassing customers. People go to the pub to socialize with people they already know," He replied: "therapy requires faith. If you do not believe what I say, there is no point continuing therapy."

    Maybe you ended up with the same therapist?

  • poor dear Jug Head, Why do you ridicule so summarily the things you don't like or really don't understand? Have you so few gentle, calm streams in your life?

  • oh shut up. My fault for trying to help somebody that does not want to be helped

  • I suspect we could wax lyrical on this for a while.... but discretion is the better part of valor.

    As with all muppets and puppets, trolls and dolls, fantasy characters and super heroes .... I don't find them fun to play with ....because they are a bit weird, fake and creepy.

    This digital ether seems ideally suited to imperious fools because they can behave like asshats with impunity ...... and many seem to derive a sense of "biggliness" by doing so ..... or perhaps they are just profoundly sad and lost.  In either instance, engagement is futile, so I choose to leave well alone.  Sorry for the false start .... I'll not be venturing into the boggy lands!

  • Punch and the Policeman?

Reply Children
  • I suspect we could wax lyrical on this for a while.... but discretion is the better part of valor.

    As with all muppets and puppets, trolls and dolls, fantasy characters and super heroes .... I don't find them fun to play with ....because they are a bit weird, fake and creepy.

    This digital ether seems ideally suited to imperious fools because they can behave like asshats with impunity ...... and many seem to derive a sense of "biggliness" by doing so ..... or perhaps they are just profoundly sad and lost.  In either instance, engagement is futile, so I choose to leave well alone.  Sorry for the false start .... I'll not be venturing into the boggy lands!