what do neurotypical people want Bruh

I get asked questions typically yes or no questions and when I answer I find that my answer is not what they're looking for.

For example, someone asked me if I've eaten (hey have you eaten).  I'm like yeah, I ate a donut. they are always then displeased. Should I go around saying no? or they make a comment like a donut isn't a proper meal. 

what is the right answer here?

  • Please remember that when an NT asks you a question, they are not asking for info. They are doing a social ritual, and they expect you to answer according to the ritual. It's like one of those elaborated court dances. And you will always lose the performance.

  • That's not always true. You can win the performance, and I often do, when I've a mind to.

    You just need to understand the game, and "Up level" yourself.

    I'm not trying to rile you, or dimnish the honest and genuine nature of your reply, but there's a little book I read and recommend all the time that really will give us/you the edge that we so sorely lack.

    You'll even be able to mock me more effectively than you've managed so far... ;c)

    (Mind you that'll show others the awesome efficacy of my recommendation, so it'll be an "own goal" in it;s own way too.) O.K. Now I'm taking the mick, a bit, I'll stop. 

    IT is a CHOICE though now, whether you continue to be bemused and dismayed at the neurtypical world or read the manual and start using it for your own purposes... (You'll still be dismayed OFC, I can't fix everything

  • Mate, if I answered to your taunts and insults I would get banned by the mods for harassing a vulnerable person. That's the only reason why I do not answer to your drivel. I can respect that, the mods want this place to be a safe space for vulnerable people.

  • Mate, if I answered to your taunts and insults I would get banned by the mods for harassing a vulnerable person. That's the only reason why I do not answer to your drivel. I can respect that, the mods want this place to be a safe space for vulnerable people.

  • As I tried to explain to you, I am not interested in arguing with you and I do not feel the need to ask for a second opinion.

  • Let's ask the audience (if there is one) shall we?

    Do I really taunt and insult this person? Ive been a bit sarky adn uncompromising I feel, but taunt and insult??

    Maybe that's how it comes across, yes, this is a situation where a second or thrid or fourth opion would be useful to either or both of us.

    But obviously, however they vote, if you aren't getting anything positive out of my replies, then I may as well stop making them to you.

    If I actually wanted to "swap taunts and insults" with you, I'd invite you to the appropriate place to do that. It's more fun where there is no moderation to get in the way, and it's just a pure game of "who's the biggest twat" and the bystanders are enthusiastic particpants not skipping past thinking who are these idiots.

    We don't have an block or ignore button yet, which I feel might be of some use especially if it works both ways and the blocked at least know how many people are blocking them, if not exactly who, but I can do "ignore" very well indeed when I choose. 

    I now have a list of two people who have asked for, and are receiving that treatment, and one with whom it's on the table but we might have found a way to get along.

    Still feels like "winning" overall to me. TBH.

    So who thinks he's making a valid point? Have I been taunting and insulting this guy??