Help and Advice

I have had mental health problems all my life, I have been diagnosed Bipolar, it looks like I had ADHD and Autism as a Child and I have been told I have Adult Autism and I am on an Adult waiting list, the waiting is causing me extreme worry and anxiety, I am finding running my flat hard and managing my bills and payments, I have also noticed when my routine are changed I get very emotional and can cry on and off for days. I also find the Nosie in the office I work in too much, My performance is also effected as I am finding it hard to do one than one task at a time. I am also starting to get my work colleagues saying things about mental health, please help and advise I don't know which way to turn anymore.  

  • Thank you for talking and helping me, 

  • Genuine People will like You no matter what.
    Those who don't are not woth knowing anyway.
    Also, never feel You have to explain Yourself to People.
    The good People in this World will come to You Slight smile

  • Thank you so much, i will try to keep smiling, i always feel alone and isolated, especially at work, people never include me in their conversations, they literally stand up and speak over me, I even got left out the Secret Santa this year.

  • Everybody Here will Support You, You are not alone ok ?
    Keep Smiling Slight smile

  • Thank you so much for being here. 

  • Thank you for you understanding and being here, I don't feel comfortable talking to my Boss, things I have told her in confidence have eventually have  been shared with everyone else. Calming music is a good idea, I wear my little in Ear phones just to block out the Nosie. When it gets too much I get tearful and I can see people laughing at me 

  • I'm sorry you are struggling, I too have bipolar and suspected autism. I'm on the waiting list for an assessment. I had to leave my job for another reason, and I can't work at the moment. This is the first time I've been truly happy, I have my own routine, no added stress from work and I find this has helped me manage my conditions better. I would, if you can, talk to your work and see if they can make reasonable adjustments, could you reduce your hours? I used to wear ear plugs or listen to calming music when I worked. I then moved into a office of my own. Someone organised my workload when I was struggling and gave it to me 1 at a time so I didn't feel overwhelmed. I'm anxious about the assessment too, it's the unknown I think. I find if I have 1 worry then everything else becomes a worry too. Maybe start with talking to work because you can do something about that. The assessment is out of our control unfortunately. 

  • What you are experiencing is very Normal given the information you posted.
    Give Yourself a break.
    " Accept " that You have these feelings, but sometimes We cannot control our surroundings.
    I have been where You are and you will become mentally exhausted and burn Yourself out.
    Just concentrate on looking after Yourself and being Your own Best Friend.
    Take the pressure off of Yourself.
    Remember...What other people think of You is THEIR problem, not Yours.
    Take care of Yourself Slight smile