Help and Advice

I have had mental health problems all my life, I have been diagnosed Bipolar, it looks like I had ADHD and Autism as a Child and I have been told I have Adult Autism and I am on an Adult waiting list, the waiting is causing me extreme worry and anxiety, I am finding running my flat hard and managing my bills and payments, I have also noticed when my routine are changed I get very emotional and can cry on and off for days. I also find the Nosie in the office I work in too much, My performance is also effected as I am finding it hard to do one than one task at a time. I am also starting to get my work colleagues saying things about mental health, please help and advise I don't know which way to turn anymore.  

  • I'm sorry you are struggling, I too have bipolar and suspected autism. I'm on the waiting list for an assessment. I had to leave my job for another reason, and I can't work at the moment. This is the first time I've been truly happy, I have my own routine, no added stress from work and I find this has helped me manage my conditions better. I would, if you can, talk to your work and see if they can make reasonable adjustments, could you reduce your hours? I used to wear ear plugs or listen to calming music when I worked. I then moved into a office of my own. Someone organised my workload when I was struggling and gave it to me 1 at a time so I didn't feel overwhelmed. I'm anxious about the assessment too, it's the unknown I think. I find if I have 1 worry then everything else becomes a worry too. Maybe start with talking to work because you can do something about that. The assessment is out of our control unfortunately. 

  • I'm sorry you are struggling, I too have bipolar and suspected autism. I'm on the waiting list for an assessment. I had to leave my job for another reason, and I can't work at the moment. This is the first time I've been truly happy, I have my own routine, no added stress from work and I find this has helped me manage my conditions better. I would, if you can, talk to your work and see if they can make reasonable adjustments, could you reduce your hours? I used to wear ear plugs or listen to calming music when I worked. I then moved into a office of my own. Someone organised my workload when I was struggling and gave it to me 1 at a time so I didn't feel overwhelmed. I'm anxious about the assessment too, it's the unknown I think. I find if I have 1 worry then everything else becomes a worry too. Maybe start with talking to work because you can do something about that. The assessment is out of our control unfortunately. 

  • Thank you for you understanding and being here, I don't feel comfortable talking to my Boss, things I have told her in confidence have eventually have  been shared with everyone else. Calming music is a good idea, I wear my little in Ear phones just to block out the Nosie. When it gets too much I get tearful and I can see people laughing at me