Does anyone ever feel like they can’t do anything without have that one person?

I don’t know how to put it in words but I’m not officially diagnosed (waiting for assessment) but I’ve noticed that I can’t do anything without having someone doing the same thing as me, even when it comes to activities I enjoy. For example in primary school up unto secondary school I would study or even do work in complete silence with my friend with none of us talking for hours. But over time going through sixth/university and now masters. I’ve been unable to do anything work, studies, or even go to classes because I didn’t have anyone to do all these things with and because of that everything has been done really last minute even my masters dissertation (which I only started 38 hours before it’s due date… like I had no words and only i small idea of my topic [my dissertation topic was suggested to me by my dad and I agreed to do it but a conversation for a different day]) Now fast forward now I unfortunately don’t have much friends and the ones I have live super far away not to mention they have their own lives (24) now  I find I can’t participate in any of my interests because i don’t have anyone to just sit with in silence with. Like in primary school and secondary I used to draw but after this I completely went cold turkey until 2023 and now it’s hurts that I’m not drawing but at the same time I can’t draw because i don’t have a friend to do it with…. This long winded explanation is just to ask how to do things alone? 

ps i can only do things alone if I’ve been given instructions to do so like in employment or people telling me what to do. However things for myself - eating, showering going to toilet. Things with me I can’t do. Any suggestions 

  • What you describe is known as body doubling. It allows you to function better when someone is physically with you, even without any interaction with that person.

  • Thank you so much for this 

  • SkullSkullSkullSkullSkullLow-key scary how this was me too. As a child I used to be “obsessed” with my mum, always wanting her to carry me and never really leaving her side ( well till she "left for the Uk and before she could bring me and my older brother years later to the UK[2004/5-2007]). But when I was at school I could never speak loudly and rarely spoke (I attributed not speaking to nor wanting to get in trouble cos at the school I was in they spanked you if you were naughty, but I was never sure when even when I speak outside of home I was soo quiet I was constantly told to open my mouth and speak loudly (soz getting side tracked)i always thought I was dumb I would have something explained to me be able to do it then and there then later couldn’t for the life of me do it but overall i wasn’t failing, I wasn’t high achieving either just passing hahaha and the only comment teachers in the uk had was I was well behaved. But damn I noticed it in math too at secondary. Teacher would explain, I would get it after explaination then day later could never know how and IT WAS LIKE I WASN'T IN THE CLASS BEFORE. My dad attributed it to being too playful that my study hours kept increasing (like no games during term time only on holidays, no tv until you’ve studied and what I studied would be checked by my dad and if there were any mistakes I had to do it all over until I got it right. Yet the mistake was never explained SkullSkull Etc etc). I always ended up passing each year somehow that the teachers never said brought it up and then college hit and same thing,things in class were explained would understand would even sometimes make points that my teacher considered really smart but when i would go to her couple of days later telling her I don’t remember anything she brushed me off  saying I’m fine probably just nervous and this happened Skull every subject i did and this teacher ended up telling the other teachers that I do this. And then those teachers too started to brush me off. Safe to say I ended not doing too well in the AS exams SkullDC) that my dad move me to a different college where I didn’t end up doing that well either (to meet my ucas point needed 144 if I remember I got 124)

    sorry about this dumb reply but it was to just say yess I relate heavily to everything everything the only difference is no one flagged it and I personally believe that it’s because the schools I was placed into by the government when I moved to uk had really naughty naughty kids and because I wasn’t naughty nor failing miserably. I was just being passed if that makes any sense. Like for example the sixth form college I went to out of á cohort of maybe 300 only 20-30 of us got A-B the rest Cs and below and this was the trend since secondary school a higher percentage of students were getting Ds that were getting Cs (not even As and Bs)  

    If that makes sense.

    thank you for reading

  • I wanted to add I also haven’t been formally diagnosed quite yet. My therapist suggested I get an assessment done 

  • I am like this. I now have a toddler who is always around so I never feel truly alone anymore but there are times where I just have to go with her to my parents for the day ( 3-4 sometimes 5 days a week) depending how I feel mentally. Going out “ alone” is a lot better tho now cause she’s there. When I was pregnant I did enjoy never feeling alone cause of her little presence In my belly. On days where I really want to try to stay home and get things done I’ll FaceTime my mom and it helps 

  • Something you mentioned about study that I can relate to.  Actually it was first noticed in primary school when I was 7 years old where we had a new "Fresh out of training" teacher when we moved up a class. She started teaching us how to do joined up writing. I thought I was doing ok. (In school I was very quiet and hardly spoke and I was the same right up to when I left the education system at age 18 (I went to collage when I was 16)).  But the next day we did joined up writing lessons again, and it was as if I had never done it before, as I had to learn it all again. Now this new teacher picked up on this and a few days/weeks later, they had a psycologist come to the school, and I, along with two others from my class were pulled aside to see him. (None of our parents knew anything about this and is only recently My Mum knew when I told her. I remembered the man was a psycologist because I remembered the name, but I did not know what a psycologist was until 2019 when I saw one at an autism open day as I was in a mess after hitting burnout (I was on the list to be assesed from.early may 2019, and I was assessed from a few months ago until a few days ago as I was fast tracked after moving house to another area). 

    But I remember being puzzled why I was included with the other two from my class, as the other two were the least intelligent of the class, and I fully well knew I was intelligent. 

    1. They used the spare room next to the staffroom which was very rarely ever used. Actually the only time I recall it being used! It was a smallish room but was more than adequate. My teacher had to go back to the rest of the class, but another teacher who had taught me at the age of 4 was there with me. The man sat me down either on his knee (Common in those days), or next to him, and started to ask me questions, and as I was way too shy, I hardly spoke, and he could hardly hear me. I remember he said something in private to the teacher and she said to me "If you don't speak, they will send you to the "Special school in ********" ( ****** is the town name). Now I was homesick enough at the school I was in just a quarter of a mile away and I knew about the bus that took kids away to that special school! The only friend I ever had was taken there after he drank a bottle of bleach and wasnt the same again! They said he had turned "Autistic" and I was never allowed to be with him or speak to him again even though he was from my village! Other childrens Mums even stopped me trying to speak to him! So I knew that that school was a really bad thing to be sent there! 
    2. So in a louder voice, I spoke. I saw straight through the reasons why the psycologist was asking the questions and I answered in such a way that I could avoid being sent to that school! I am ashamed to say that I lied to the man so I would avoid being sent to that school!  (I always have felt homesick when at each of the schools and collage I went to, and even in the various places I worked. I later found this to be common for people with prosopragnosia, in that (Especially as a child) they are extra clingy to their patents, and dead quiet in school or in places away from their parents, but normal oisy children when in their home enviroment. That is a perfect description of me! Both I and my Mum have prosopragnosia on and off. (Don't know when we get it unless someone tells us whenit happens!)
    3.  But this "Two-take" learning where Iwould learn something, then come back another day to continje and have to learn itall over agin was picked up by a secondary school Maths teacher. He said to my Mum and Dad on a parents evening "I don't get it. I sit with him and go through things and he totally gets it. He does the sums in front of me and can do them on his own. Yet the next lesson I continue and it is as if he has never attended the lesson before! I have to teach him again as if he was never there!"
    4.  I don't know if that is an "Autism thing" or not. I know it happened with me! 
  • Omg thinking about it. I just realised I too was one of those who people would be like “hey let’s study together” “let’s do this” “help me with this” and I end up doing the work even if it’s a subject I don’t study I would learn it for that particular assignment to help or assist but when it’s done I forget and you couldn’t ask me anything. And I spent the longest time saying I study/ do things to pass or get by and not to learn. Could it be an issue of being where because someone is there I have to do this this this so they don’t think negatively of me… but if it is why can’t I seem to function alone??

  • I work well alone but I did find out something about me when, for a few years, when I had a decent job, I took out a mortgage and had a house (Later had to sell the house got half its value back as estate agent and buyer kinda worked together and took advantage of me but I broke even to the penny when I wored out how much money I had spent on the house as well as after paying back the morgage when I sold it etc...)

    But during those few years I could not really live in my house I had... I had plenty to do. Projects I had given myself etc.. But I would just sit there. Yet if I was at "Home" where my parents lived (Live with Mum as Dad passed away), I would do things. 

    So what was the difference as if I do things for myself, I have always worked alone.  I am one that others would grab two or three people to help them where doing the same task I would end up working out ways to do it alone. Yet I would be used by others to help them on things they never needed help to begin with! But I always had difficulties getting others to help me. It was nearly always one way help. (Though sometimes I dis get Dad or brothers to help... But as a general rule it was other way around where I'd be struggling myself and have to work out ways how I could do things alone).

    But why was it that when I was totally alone, I could not function? I was capable. I could do the things I needed to do but I didn't. Was like there was an invisible wall!

    I tried to work it out. When at "Home" doing things alone where I could do things. Or when "At my house" (That I used to have), where I couldn't do things alone. What was the difference?

    I worked it out. Having someone else around in the background sort of triggered me somehow so I could do things. They didn't even have to be where I was, but the visual movement somehow triggered me into doing things. It enabled my mind to function so I could think of the processes needed to do the task.

    But without that distant visual (Or audiable) stimilation, I just sat there until it got dark or something would make me look at the time and I would then get in the car and drive the 14.5 (Approx) miles to my parents house... (Needed to go there anyway as slept there as my work uiform was there and food etc...).

    And I proved this as the times when I was at "My house" and my Mum was there in the background doing something elss, or a friend of mine was there who I am 100% convinced he is on the spectrum! :D ) I could get things done and function ok.

    Isn't it weird how our brains work!

    (Late last night I had something mentally click inside me which now I feel more able to think the processes of doing things... Hope whatever the click is stays!) :D