Does anyone ever feel like they can’t do anything without have that one person?

I don’t know how to put it in words but I’m not officially diagnosed (waiting for assessment) but I’ve noticed that I can’t do anything without having someone doing the same thing as me, even when it comes to activities I enjoy. For example in primary school up unto secondary school I would study or even do work in complete silence with my friend with none of us talking for hours. But over time going through sixth/university and now masters. I’ve been unable to do anything work, studies, or even go to classes because I didn’t have anyone to do all these things with and because of that everything has been done really last minute even my masters dissertation (which I only started 38 hours before it’s due date… like I had no words and only i small idea of my topic [my dissertation topic was suggested to me by my dad and I agreed to do it but a conversation for a different day]) Now fast forward now I unfortunately don’t have much friends and the ones I have live super far away not to mention they have their own lives (24) now  I find I can’t participate in any of my interests because i don’t have anyone to just sit with in silence with. Like in primary school and secondary I used to draw but after this I completely went cold turkey until 2023 and now it’s hurts that I’m not drawing but at the same time I can’t draw because i don’t have a friend to do it with…. This long winded explanation is just to ask how to do things alone? 

ps i can only do things alone if I’ve been given instructions to do so like in employment or people telling me what to do. However things for myself - eating, showering going to toilet. Things with me I can’t do. Any suggestions 

  • I am like this. I now have a toddler who is always around so I never feel truly alone anymore but there are times where I just have to go with her to my parents for the day ( 3-4 sometimes 5 days a week) depending how I feel mentally. Going out “ alone” is a lot better tho now cause she’s there. When I was pregnant I did enjoy never feeling alone cause of her little presence In my belly. On days where I really want to try to stay home and get things done I’ll FaceTime my mom and it helps 

  • I am like this. I now have a toddler who is always around so I never feel truly alone anymore but there are times where I just have to go with her to my parents for the day ( 3-4 sometimes 5 days a week) depending how I feel mentally. Going out “ alone” is a lot better tho now cause she’s there. When I was pregnant I did enjoy never feeling alone cause of her little presence In my belly. On days where I really want to try to stay home and get things done I’ll FaceTime my mom and it helps 
