How adult is the adult section allowed to be?

What are the rules around that?

  • I think a lot of “adult” topics are really relevant for people with autism and would be good for many people to discuss. I would like the opportunity sometimes to talk about more adult subjects. I find other people’s perspectives really interesting and adult topics can be discussed in a way that is not offensive nor graphic. I’d be really interested to talk about someone’s experience with prostitutes. I fully appreciate other people wouldn’t. So maybe just a warning in the title of the thread would prevent people from reading the information if they didn’t like that kind of thing?  

    Sex and intimacy can be a bloody hard emotive subject for people who struggle with sensory overload, lack of control, touch, letting go, change in routine, reading other people’s emotions etc! It’s a nightmare! 

  • sex and intimacy can be none existent for people with autism lol

Reply Children
  • Nothing I see online surprises me any more - but sometimes, at the same time, some things online do manage to make even me cringe - some friends have told me about certain stuff as I’m no stranger to gay porn or “blue movies”  but even the things I have seen these days are total cringe 

  • I’m grateful for having lived through the 70’s and 80’s in Rural Ireland and under traditional Catholic Social Teaching with “Faith and Morals” being the most cherished and important thing, despite being raised in Vatican II - having lived 22 years in the U.K. and seeing how modern Ireland has totally collapsed morally long after I came out as gay as an older gay man, those Catholic values I’ve learned have enabled me to navigate the crazy world we live in now and to retain my sanity - I never really appreciated the true value of my background until after the first 10 years of my living in the U.K. and coming home to Ireland on visits, which allowed me to see things much more clearly and prepared me for the emotional roller coaster of Covid, now I’m firmly in the camp of traditional values and my traditional Catholic faith is stronger than ever - I found my transition from Vatican II back to the traditional Catholic faith so much of a homecoming with the Mass in Latin and a very easy transition, far more so than cutting all ties with and support for the gay community and in many respects, despite all the craziness of the modern world, I’m very much at peace with my return to my Catholic roots and the Catholic faith 

  • This reminds me of an aspect of traditional Catholic Social Teaching on this topic growing up in Rural Ireland in the 70’s and 80’s was that especially if someone had any sort of health condition or disability (including mental health) that it was deemed best to stay away from anything that strayed away from Traditional Catholic “Faith and Morals” which was deemed as inappropriate and which would earn you a good hard “clip across the ear” from the Nuns along with a firm command to “cop yourself on” and further enforced by the teachers, headmaster, local police and local Parish Priest, to which you would be dragged up to the priests house “by the scruff of the neck” to recieve a stern talking to - looking at modern society today and looking back then, we need to return to those times as after many decades they have been proven correct as it would prevent so many social problems that we have today 

  • In previous and still some other societies a more equilateral triangle was the norm and supported by society in general.

    The stable nuclear family was seen (correctly in my opinion) as the foundation of a society and was cherished and supported as such by most members of society.

    We now live in more "interesting times"... 

  • I think it's more a rhomboid shape, the varied angles still adding up to 360%. It's also an ever shifting rhomboid.  Euclid, what a romantic, each day a different outlook, different axiom.

  • but yet sometimes the world needs to burn... it needs people to burn it.

    without all the bad people that did bad things in history, we wouldnt be at this point, we wouldnt have changed, we wouldnt be better. 

    it maybe controversial to say.... but without hitler we may not have had nato and this joint western alliance and this long peace, wed still have fractured changing alliances and constant wars. he was bad, but through his bad we saw and we learned and we got better... it takes a evil action to create a good result it seems.... as einstein said, everything action has a equal and opposite reaction... so to have a greater good, you need first to have a act of greater evil for that greater good to be a reaction of....  like it or not, we need bad guys for good changes in the world.

  • The old fashioned ideas of "courtship" and "propriety" were clearly an attempt to make the transition from attraction to sex much more defined and slow and careful, and also protect stable relationships form casual attack by empty headed pleasure seeking strangers.

    I remember being told that human adult relationships were a sort of equilateral triangle built on love, sex, and marriage, nowadays it's represented as triangle with unequal length sides, and for some people it seems to be practically a straight line...

    I posit that if things were not seriously out of whack with the way my peer group views sex and family creation & management, there would not be such a (well publicised) shortage of replacement children of our type...

    But our society seems to be certain that is a good thing. Apparently according to most of the media I consume, my type of people are responsible for most of the worlds ills, and we all saw the unrestrained savagery that my kind brought to warfare WW2, and more recent engagements, so it's probably right.

    Thankfully I only had one child, and she's not interested in starting a family, so we are doing our bit to help remove the scourge of my sort of people from the earth...

  • One must cultivate imunity to cringe. The internet can help with that lol

  • it can likely feel cringe and forced. out of the ordinary, out of the routine, too different, out of character. and strange new and weird, too uncomfortable in real life to do anything about.

  • And yet no one wants to handel that hot potato. I go to a charity that runs social events for autistic people. They started as a dating service but they haven't run as a dating service for years.