Government want to look at disability bank accounts to see what we are spending on: this is not good for us autistic.

I read that the government are wanting to look into all disability claimants bank accounts to see what we are spending money on and they can then say that oh! you spend the money on a certain item you should not so we are now going to cut your money. 

This is something that they hope to do in time, it has been on the online news. 

This would be terrible for us autistic people because a lot of people do not understand autism and how diverse we all are: 

for example: autistics might buy the following some might not and need other things for their autism: 

Felt tips, paper, pencils art things: they would not understand that this helps us stay calm by being creative and can help stop us going into further meltdowns etc. 

A computer and games: same reason as above

A piano and sheet music: could be a special interest and is needed for the autistic person and help stop meltdowns too. 

Fancy clothes: for me its 1950s style clothes, to express myself and I cant stand to wear certain clothes

Gluten free foods, special travel like a taxi as buses might be too stressful that day

An indoor clothes drier to stop damp 

collections of trains or magazines, comics etc 

Some people who dont understand autistim and will think that oh they are buying what they want not what they need, tut tut, they should not be buying that. 

What about the autistic that goes on the trains all day because they like it is sooths them. and then someone will say well if they ride trains all day let them work on the trains, but that autistic might be able to talk to people one day but then another day might be mute or unable to and could not work. 

yes there are autistics that can work, and those that work long term are ones that got lucky finding their job that is good for them for example they like action figures so work in a forbidden planet. and are okay with people as long as they are talking about the products. but others cannot cope with work at all. 

I feel that the government need to understand autism much more. No two autistic people are alike. 

What about the person who is has to pay for a private dentist because they dont like the building their local NHS dentists are in for example, and need to have the calm of a private dentist that understands . 

Some autistics might have to spend a fortune on a pair of shoes as they cannot wear cheaper ones for what ever reason (the way they feel etc) 

these are not all conditions or needs I have just listing how diverse we all are and why this new plan is not very nice. 

Because it is scary somehow, big brother is watching you type stuff. 

It also puts non-disabled people against disabled people they dont understand, they have never seen an autistic meltdown for example 


  • Don't EVER stop using cash.

    DO NOT ADOPT CBDC's "for the convenience". 

    FFS stop using direct debits, and paying "interest" on everything you own! The first takes all control away from you under the guise of helping you manage, and the second is financially speaking like voluntarily submitting to having leeches attached to your financial (metaphorcal) body.

    Learn the difference between your annual turnover of money and your net cashflow, and (if you can of course, according to some members and people I meet in real life, some concepts I find obvious and "basic" are too difficult to follow) work out just HOW MUCH of you weekly income directly benefits you and your family.

    I think you will all find (as I did) how incredibly unselfish with your money you all are. You literally throw it into the hands of rich strangers at every turn, who in exchange enact rules to further restrict and tax your activities, using those taxes to do what exactly?

    Once they get you hooked on digital money, it'll be worth whatever (((they))) say it is on any given day, and your access to it will depend on a dazziling variety of ever changing factors completely outside of YOUR control. And the amount of financial fleas will multiply...

  • Sorry, I'll keep using direct debits and contactless payments because otherwise I would never remember to pay everything and I abhor touching things too many people have touched.

    For me increasingly digital systems are a massive benefit, the less I have to interact with people and physical things to do things the better.

    To each their own, the option to have the choice is the happy medium.

  • I can see your reasoning, and for those people who's income exceeds their expenditure by a moderate amount consistently, and who have enough self control to keep a wary eye on their own consumption and expenditure our modern "conveniences" are wonderful.

    As to your last line, providing we have the option to have a choice between cash and digital, that will be fine by me.

  • If I was ever accused of being right wing I'd stand up for myself and my own beliefs.  No one ever accuses me of being right wing though.

  • There's a lot to unpack there.

    Your idea for how we should be governed is unworkable. Even given advances in technology for voting, there would need to be an organisation in place to create policy to be voted on by the public, which would need to be appointed somehow, perhaps by being voted for by the public since their role would be instrumental in advocating policy. There would then be different people, with different stances to select from who wanted that role, which isn't any different from what we have now. Some form of government is unavoidable for a large society. History has proven that over and again, regardless of technology. What that government should look like is the issue.

    Perhaps they call your views right wing because they are. If you support a party like the Tories, as you have in other threads, then you are supporting a right wing party. That is unavoidable.

    You're painting the middle class as some sort of devious, manipulative cohesive entity that are all out to get you. Can you not see that how you're talking about them is exactly the same as you're accusing them of talking about you? I'll be honest, most of the people I know in the nominal middle class, myself included, aren't that concerned about people from any class more than another, they're more concerned about their daily lives and trying to do the best they can with what they've got. The same as everyone else.

    The people who are being manipulative are the press, the politicians, and the prominent people in society, because it's their job to do it and they get paid well for it. Some do it to a larger extent than others so some are more to blame than most. And some walk an exceedingly fine line between truth and lies, fact and fiction, spinning and twisting things to suit their narrative.

    Labour's hands aren't clean by any means, but the Tories win the prize for two faced platitudes for the masses. Using everything they can to try to convince the people that they're truly looking out for the best interests of everyone, when that couldn't be furthest from the truth. Look at the COVID debacle, "Let them due" they said behind closed doors whilst giving money for contracts to their mates who then did nothing.

    I'll take occasionally misguided socialists over elitist billionaires any day.

  • i do but even the left wing working class would be accused of being right wing with how they talk and the words they use.... and theyd all be accused of being too thick to be allowed a vote buy so called "left wing" middle classers... which then claim we dont know what socialism is despite the fact they just said working class shouldnt be allowed any political voice because we are too dumb? and yet we dont know what socialism is and they just broke the very core concept of socialism by those words lol

  • Do you realise that people from all different classes have all different kind of views? There are right wing posh people, right wing middle class people and right wing working class people.  There are also Left wing posh people, left wing middle class people and left wing working class people.

    It doesn't seem to me that you understand that.

  • and what does IQ mean? lol
    a person with a so called low iq is probably smarter and more respectable than a arrogant egotistical person with a high iq... and either way no one does those tests anyway. they are not mandated and mass done for you to say that. the IQ thing is often more used by so called right wingers, but it makes no sense because who has done a real recorded iq test? ... a handful of people? cant be used unless it becomes a mandatory recorded thing, like a gcse result. but yeah probably later because gcse results are a bit flawed and probably done too young and not a real indicator themselves which in themselves prove a failure of society to judge intellect.

    but either way, another point.. why should we bar people from voting just because we deem them below intelligence? it shouldnt matter, the peoples combined will should form the absolute unified being.... ok what if someone came along and arrested you right now and said your too stupid to be allowed freedom and to make your own decisions so they will arrest you now and make all your decisions for you?

  • 50% of the population have a below average IQ, a fact confirmed by what I witnessed during the independence and brexit referendums.

  • see there ya go, you call the will of the people as thick and ignorant...

    you have already lost to the rich elite then.... as if your people, your working class masses are too thick and ignorant to trust to a direct democracy voting system... then you are saying the only people that should be allowed a vote are the rich elite, the top 1% ... you see how you have been manipulated by them and are in their pocket? like i said they control you without knowing and thats a perfect example of what i was telling you all about right there.

  • Maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t won’t society to collapse nor do I want its direction to be set by thick ignorant  people who are fed most of their opinions by social media.

  • how would it?
    the people would all get what they want in such a system, they cant complain as they would have majority voted on everything and it would reflect what they want.... if it collapses then they cant complain, because its what they wanted. this system gets rid of the toxic constant complaining about politics... you can no longer complain when you all voted for each thing by majority.... or perhaps people want to just complain about it all the time? lol

  • Having lived through the independence and brexit referendums, I learned a number of things.

    One of the most important is that most people are completely clueless about most things, especially finance and politics.

    If we implemented a system of referendums on every issue Britain would turn into something like the US in The Purge series.

    I’d be on the first plane out.

  • im not about proportional representation, im more about the total destruction of the party system and implementing true direct democracy where we vote on each policy.... at one point that would be accused of being madness, but in this world with the tech we have now, we absolutely can achieve that type of system and everyone can casually vote for millions of separate policies. we wont even truly need a government as we know it, just a system that tallies our votes and implements it all how the people wanted. total absolute direct democracy where there is really no government but the people.

    and yeah, the middle class capitalists that call themselves socialists often call the working class right wing to disregard our views. then they twist it when it comes to chavs and project if we speak against chavs and claim we are the middle class speaking down to working class when we point out we are fed up of gangs of children with machetes terrorising our neighbourhoods lol so its a funny thing that and we get called right wing and uneducated one way to ignore our views, then on another way we get called classist to ignore our views on violent criminal gangs.... its madness. and it shows its time for the middle class to end too so that this problem is no more, once there is no middle class then there isnt this issue, there isnt this divide then we can be united properly and perhaps fix things... ofcourse then it comes to the upper class, perhaps they dont want that and are the ballancer between it.

    although one thing i can say too.... the upper class are always more kind to me than the middle class.... the middle class speak down to me, scoff at me, think they are better and more educated, call me racist, ignore my views, think their views are more relevant, are general unpleasant.... while the upper class they are kinder, but i dunno this kindness perhaps comes to seeing us as a beloved pet and could be patronising lol but i think the upper class hate the middle class more than the working class on this.
    the middle class tend to be the supervisors that make our lives hell and treat us badly... the upper class often higher up the chain of command are often sick of the middle class supervisors torturing the working class workers and sympathise with us more... that is my experience of it anyway.

  • Labour and several other parties are campaigning for proportional representation which would be more inline with what you seem to be suggesting. The Tories aren't.

    Labour, the Greens, even the Lib Dems are more socialist in that they all campaign for societal support systems funded through central taxation.

    I'm not talking out of my *** on this, I grew up in a trade union household where politics and society were a common and regular discussion topic, studied philosophy at university, including ethics and morality in society, and have a keen interest in political theory. I'd hope that with the amount of emphasis that was placed on critical thinking and analysis during my studies that it would be quite hard to mislead me.

    You appear to have a lot of very negative stereotypical views of the middle class and socialists whilst also showing that you don't really know that much about them. The language and tone you use to describe them are remarkably similar to that used by fear-mongering right-wing mouthpieces who use similar rhetoric to whip up discord to distract from the more serious transgressions of their political darlings.

    I don't think it's me that's being mislead.

  • i vote for no party though. they are not democracy neither of them. but the issue is middle class Champaign socialists would appropriate everything by claiming they are socialists when infact they are nothing but ultra capitalist consumers and most of them are actually landlords... while also claiming they are working class, and claiming to speak for us which ruins our voice and our power. they mislead people and even you may be misled by them for all i know if your not truly one of them. they often all flock to labour. so it gives a clear mark against them for me. alot of their followers are just uninformed and misled, they use the media and other means like that to misled and spread false info.

    the entire party system needs to be abolished and changed for a direct democracy system so that the true peoples will can be heard and enacted upon no matter whether the loud middle class globalist minority likes our decisions or not. 

    ofcourse the party system will never be changed... thats just the reality. we have to accept we have no power and the big bad will always keep the system as bad as they want and we cant change that really so it will always be bad and they will always misled people into enacting their will and turning against one another to stop us realising and noticing them and what they are doing.

  • I don't think you understand what socialism actually means if you think that. Certainly not since you've been defending the Tories in other threads.

  • Considering the lower value of a university degree in the current society I'd agree, but education seems to be a key requirement from the definitions I found when I looked it up.

  • no but it makes me more socialist than any of your remainers claimed to be and sets the class divide and the context lol

    also i think theres a wage requirement for middle class, like i dunno 40k upwards?

  • The general consensus is that you need to be a university educated professional who owns their own home.

    I don't agree with regard to the university education.

  • A teacher by definition is middle class because it's a professional role. The general consensus is that you need to be a university educated professional who owns their own home.

    Brexit is a big, stinking mess that I'm not going to touch with a barge pole because we definitely don't agree on it, but calling for the eradication of an entire section of society doesn't put you in the moral high ground, just to be clear.

  • i dunno it maybe the london middle class or something, or the higher middle class.

    but yeah you see them claim to be working class themselves for political points and claim to stand with the poor to look good... but then when it comes to something like... brexit? .... oh, now were all uneducated ignorant racists who are too thick to be allowed a vote and note educated in their fancy schools? lol yeah after brexit i think the middle class should be abolished, i will never forgive them for the things they said and did and spoke down to us like all while claiming to be the good moral kind caring side.

    but yeah, i know working class people who get teaching jobs. just because your a teacher doesnt make you middle class anyway so chances are you could actually still be working class... but i do understand how there is even big wealth divides in each class anyway, as i own my own flat now and just in property ownership it kinda makes me feel higher than working class because working class often cant afford to own a home and end up in rental poverty. but despite me thinking my home ownership makes me feel more middle class im still working class and it would likely require quite a bit more to be classed as middle class.... how much more i dont know... but yeah i spoke to a AI chat bot about this one time and that said yeah im just working class still but have attained decent social mobility.... it said i need a better job though and perhaps some stock investments to then be middle class lol 

  • Thanks BeckyThump - I pushed myself too far last time, so hopefully I won't do that again- I will walk away if I have to Slight smile

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