News/current affairs

Since the Palestine/Israel conflict began, I've stopped reading the news (I don't watch TV or listen to the radio, anyway).

This is to protect my mental health as my responses to the various conflicts in the world tend to either be anger or distress.

I've never done this before but for several decades of my life news wasn't so readily available.

The internet changed all that.

I don't know how long I will be able to isolate myself in this way, but I had become rather addicted to the BBC news website, constantly updating it to see the latest.

Does this resonate with anyone?

  • This resonates with me. I remember back when Covid first hit and the news was inundated with all of it. Everytime I looked anywhere I'd see some sort of scary headline would set me off onto an anxiety trip or panic attack. I'd had to detach and stop following all news outlets and so forth then to protect my mental well being. This became my new normal and I never really went back to looking at it which I'm grateful for now especially. 

  • id say covid was worse, as it was a issue that could effect us and our lives and is local especially with how badly the borders are managed to the point theres no way we can control or restrict the spread globally due to borders that are never respected and never done the job right there.

    so basically the covid news was all promises of death coming to your doorstep.

    russia could also have been bad news too but then we realise russia lies about everything and they dont have any nuclear capability. 

  • Yeah, that is exactly what was impacting my mental health and setting off panic attacks it was so bad. I think even Facebook had a number count of the death toll at one point too. 

    Russia also scared me as well

  • thats the same in all wars really... theres never a winner in war, both sides its just death and loss... then the loss even of the winner creates a lack of male population which destroys that nation in the future.... that is how the british empire fell, it won its wars, but it lost its manpower. it was unable to do anything without manpower so it all fell apart and everyone could rise up and challenge it... then ofcourse america who was sitting in the sidelines and had plenty of manpower due to doing nothing stepped up to fill the void and stablise that power vaccum.

    russias entire problems and poverty and lack of quality of life is because they lost so many people in ww2, but yet they are the official winners of ww2... but in the long run, they lost because they threw over 20 million mens lives away in battle... thats counted... uncounted it could be hundreds of millions lost on their side...

    china is becoming a world ruling power now and will likely rule the world.... you see, they never had much wars so manage to keep a good population rolling, high manpower high population, rule the world.

    get into wars all the time, win.... you lose the future because you lose manpower now.... those lives lost are multiplied over generations.... 100k lives lost in a war in the terms of future if those 100k didnt lose their lives in 100 years time that could be 10 million people... so 100k lost could very well cost 10 million people for the nation. a big loss of life even in the smallest losses. a great loss of power for a nations future.

    its also why nations WANT mass migration.... because its a act of stealing population from another... stealing another nations future power. thats the real reason why the west want mass migration. its all another layer of war that no one sees, taking the future from another nation to bolster our own, although that kind of war the winner of it is rejuvenated with more future population and empowered...but its still immoral and takes from other nations and makes them worse off. 

  • I suppose the truth is it’s meant to be a deterrent. If it actually kicks off then there is no winning, even if we manage to strike back at our opponent.

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  • thats the same in all wars really... theres never a winner in war, both sides its just death and loss... then the loss even of the winner creates a lack of male population which destroys that nation in the future.... that is how the british empire fell, it won its wars, but it lost its manpower. it was unable to do anything without manpower so it all fell apart and everyone could rise up and challenge it... then ofcourse america who was sitting in the sidelines and had plenty of manpower due to doing nothing stepped up to fill the void and stablise that power vaccum.

    russias entire problems and poverty and lack of quality of life is because they lost so many people in ww2, but yet they are the official winners of ww2... but in the long run, they lost because they threw over 20 million mens lives away in battle... thats counted... uncounted it could be hundreds of millions lost on their side...

    china is becoming a world ruling power now and will likely rule the world.... you see, they never had much wars so manage to keep a good population rolling, high manpower high population, rule the world.

    get into wars all the time, win.... you lose the future because you lose manpower now.... those lives lost are multiplied over generations.... 100k lives lost in a war in the terms of future if those 100k didnt lose their lives in 100 years time that could be 10 million people... so 100k lost could very well cost 10 million people for the nation. a big loss of life even in the smallest losses. a great loss of power for a nations future.

    its also why nations WANT mass migration.... because its a act of stealing population from another... stealing another nations future power. thats the real reason why the west want mass migration. its all another layer of war that no one sees, taking the future from another nation to bolster our own, although that kind of war the winner of it is rejuvenated with more future population and empowered...but its still immoral and takes from other nations and makes them worse off.