My friendship has ended over a stupid mistake.

My friends bf dad had a stroke in March. And he’s only just come home. The bf got him an Alexa to call for help if he fell and I laughed.

Just at older people using the Alexa, not his dad falling over. Don’t ask why I laughed I just did. The bf never wants to see me again and never wants me in the flat. He’s been crying because of it. I feel so bad.

my friend has said they need space from me for a few months so they can figure out what to do/if they still want to be friends with me.

this so all over a misunderstanding. I don’t understand why I’ve been cut out of their life’s. I haven’t been sleeping, I’ve been off work and I’ve been crying in bed when I’m at home.

I’ve said sorry but it hasn’t helped. I don’t know what to do or how to feel. I feel like I’m just waiting for them to text me to confirm it’s over.

my depression is bad. And it’s getting worse. 

  • Hi Mark

    So sorry to read this. I hope things will work themselves out. 

    Your friend just needs some time to work everything out. In the meantime maybe you could write to them explaining that it was a misunderstanding

    Sometimes it helps to write things out :) 

  • He does, but he asked me leave him alone for a few months. Why would it take months? 

  • Time can be a slow healer

    Some things can affect people badly and it takes a long long time to recover from it sometimes months or even years

    We can't walk a mile in someone else's shoes so don't know how there feeling when something like this happens

    I'm sure there come round with time.

    It doesn't mean they won't be friends again just that they need some space x

  • Time can be a slow healer

    Some things can affect people badly and it takes a long long time to recover from it sometimes months or even years

    We can't walk a mile in someone else's shoes so don't know how there feeling when something like this happens

    I'm sure there come round with time.

    It doesn't mean they won't be friends again just that they need some space x

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